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The Public Speaking Handbook (Myspeechlab) [Spiral-bound] 요약정보 및 구매

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Steven A. Beebe and Susan J.
발행년도 2006-10-12
페이지 536
ISBN 9780205502967
도서상태 품절
판매가격 70,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • Adapted from the authors' top-selling public speaking text, Public Speaking Handbook provides a unique, audience-centered approach in a reader-friendly reference format, allowing quick and easy access to key information. Public Speaking Handbook brings theory and practice together in an understandable and applicable manner. Its distinctive and popular approach emphasizes the importance of analyzing and considering the audience at every point along the way. This model of public speaking serves as a foundation as the text guides the reader through the step-by-step process of public speaking, focusing their attention on the importance and dynamics of diverse audiences, and narrowing the gap between the learning environment and the real world.
  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 1.a Why Study Public Speaking? Empowerment Employment 1.b Public Speaking and Conversation Public Speaking Is Planned Public Speaking Is Formal The Roles of Public Speakers and Audiences are Clearly Defined 1.c The Communication Process Communication as Action Communication as Interaction Communication as Transaction Quick Check: Understand the Communication Process 1.d The Rich Heritage of Public Speaking Quick Check: The Rich Heritage of Public Speaking 1.e Public Speaking and Diversity Diverse Audiences: A Coherent Framework Diverse Audiences: A Unifying Principle Chapter 2 Speaking with Confidence 2.a Understand Your Nervousness What Makes People Nervous when Speaking in Public? When are You Most Likely to Feel Nervous About Giving a Speech? Does Your Style of Communication Apprehension Make a Difference? You Are Going To Feel More Nervous Than You Look Almost Every Speaker Experiences Some Degree of Nervousness Anxiety Can Be Useful 2.b Build Your Confidence Don’t Procrastinate in Preparing Your Speech Know Your Audience Select an Appropriate Topic Be Prepared Develop and Deliver a Well-Organized Speech Know Your Introduction and Your Conclusion Re-Create the Speech Environment When You Practice Use Deep-Breathing Techniques Channel Your Nervous Energy How to Channel Your Nervous Energy Visualize Your Success Give Yourself a Mental Pep Talk Focus on Your Message Rather Than Your Fear Look for Positive Listener Support for Your Message Seek Speaking Opportunities After Your Speech, Focus on Your Accomplishment, Not Your Anxiety Quick Check: Build Your Confidence Chapter 3 The Audience-Centered Speechmaking Process 3.a An Audience-Centered Speechmaking Model 3.b Consider Your Audience 3.c Select and Narrow Your Topic Who Is the Audience? What Is the Occasion? What Are My Interests, Talents, and Experiences? 3.d Determine Your Purpose 3.e Develop Your Central Idea 3.f Generate the Main Ideas Does the Central Idea Have Logical Divisions? Can You Think of Several Reasons Why the Central Idea Is True? Can You Support the Central Idea with a Series of Steps? 3.g Gather Verbal and Visual Supporting Material Criteria for Choosing Verbal Supporting Material 3.h Organize Your Speech Divide Your Speech Outline Your Speech Consider Presentation Aids 3.i Rehearse Your Speech Rehearse Your Speech Aloud Practice Making Eye Contact Make Decisions about the Style of Your Speech 3.j Deliver Your Speech How to Prepare for a Speech Chapter 4 Ethics and Free Speech 4.a Ethics 4.b Free Speech 4.c Speaking Freely In the Twentieth Century In Recent History Quick Check: History of Free Speech in the United States 4.d Speaking Ethically Have a Clear, Responsible Goal Use Sound Evidence and Reasoning Be Sensitive To and Tolerant of Differences Be Honest Avoid Plagiarism Quick Check: The Ethical Public Speaker 4.e Listening Ethically Communicate Your Expectations and Feedback Be Sensitive To and Tolerant of Differences Listen Critically Quick Check: The Ethical Listener Chapter 5 Listening to Speeches 5.a Barriers to Effective Listening Select Attend Understand Remember Information Overload How to Prevent Information Overload Personal Concerns Outside Distractions How to Minimize Distractions Prejudice How to Counteract Prejudice Differences Between Speech Rate and Thought Rate Receiver Apprehension How to Overcome Receiver Apprehension 5.b Beco...
  • Steve A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe have authored several best-selling communication texts, including their widely used public speaking text. Praised for their accessible content, student-friendly writing style, and audience-centered focus, these experienced authors help make Public Speaking Handbook the best of its kind available today.
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