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Rules in School 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Forton Porter
발행년도 2003-03-01
페이지 272
ISBN 9781892989109
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Rules in School


  • Learn an approach for helping students become invested in creating and living by classroom rules. K-8 teachers in a wide range of settings have used this approach to establish calm, safe learning environments and teach children self-discipline. Written by four experienced classroom teachers, this book offers practical techniques for: * Helping students articulate their hopes and dreams for school * Involving students in generating classroom rules that grow out of their hopes and dreams * Modeling, practicing, and role playing the rules * Using teacher language effectively to reinforce the rules * Teaching children about logical consequences for rule breaking * Choosing effective logical consequences * Teaching children to live by the rules outside the classroom Includes separate chapters on what this approach looks like at various grade levels.
  • 1. Creating rules with Students 2. Practicing the Rules : Bringing Them to Life 3. When Students Break the Rules 4. Grades K-2 5. Grades 3-5 6. Grades 6-8 7. Taking the Rules Beyond the Classroom Conclusion: Rules Are What Make the Good Things Happen App. A: Problem Soving with Students Resources on Discipline in Classrooms and Schools
  • Kathryn Brady has been a teacher for twenty-four years, specializing in the education of students with social and emotional difficulties. Currently, Kathryn is the instructional management and behavior specialist for the Fitchburg Public Schools in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Mary Beth Forton has taught language arts in elementary and middle schools, specializing in working with students with lrearning difficulties. She is now director of publications for Northeast Foundation for Children, where she has worked for fourteen years. She is co-author of "Classroom Spaces That Work." Deborah Porter is a primary teacher at Heath Elementary School in Heath, Massachusetts. Her twenty-eight years in education include teaching at Greenfield Center School and co-founding and teaching at the Heath Preschool. She has been a Responsive Classroom workshop leader for the past sixteen years. Robert A. "Chip" Wood is a co-founder of Northeast Foundation for Children and has over thirty years of experience as a classroom teacher, elementary school principal, and teacher educator. His books include "Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom, Ages 4-14" and "Time to Teach, Time to Learn: Changing the Pace of School."
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  • Rules in School