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견본신청 문의
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Rhetorical Grammar, 6th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Martha Kolln
발행년도 2010-09-29
판수 6판
페이지 306
ISBN 9780205788217
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 38,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Rhetorical Grammar, 6th


  • Rhetorical Grammar encourages writers to recognize and use the grammatical and stylistic choices available to them and to understand the rhetorical effects those choices can have on their readers. Rhetorical Grammar is a writer's grammar - a text that presents grammar as a rhetorical tool, avoiding the do's and don'ts so long associated with the study of grammar. It reveals to writers the system of grammar that they know subconsciously and encourages them to use that knowledge to understand their choices as writers and the effects of those choices on their readers. Besides providing key strategies for revision, Rhetorical Grammar presents systematic discussions of reader expectation, sentence rhythm and cohesion, subordination and coordination, punctuation, modification, diction, and other principles.
  • Preface Acknowledgments Introduction PART I The Structure of Sentences Chapter 1 An Introduction to Words and Phrases Chapter Preview Form Classes Nouns The Noun Phrase Verbs The Verb Phrase NP + VP = S Adjectives and Adverbs Prepositional Phrases Grammatical Choices Key Terms Chapter 2 Sentence Patterns Chapter Preview Rhetorical Effects The Be Patterns The Linking Verb Pattern The Intransitive Pattern The Basic Transitive Verb Pattern Transitive Patterns with Two Complements Sentence Pattern Summary The Optional Adverbial Questions and Commands Punctuation and the Sentence Patterns Basic Patterns in Prose The Short Paragraph Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminder Chapter 3 Our Versatile Verbs Chapter Preview The Expanded Verb Using the Expanded Verb Special Uses of the Present Tense Other Auxiliaries The Passive Voice Using the Passive Voice The Obscure Agent Well-Chose Verbs: Showing, Not Telling Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Chapter 4 Coordination and Subordination Chapter Preview Coordination Within the Sentence Parallel Structure Coordination of the Series Climax Coordination with Correlative Conjunctions Subject-Verb Agreement Compound Sentences Conjunctive Adverbs and Transitional Phrases Compound Sentences with Semicolons Compound Sentences with Colons Punctuation Pitfalls The Compound Sentence: Punctuation Review Subordination: The Dependent Clauses Revising Compound Structures Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminders Part II Controlling the Message Chapter 5 Cohesion Chapter Preview Reader Expectation Repetition The Known-New Contract The Role of Pronouns Personal Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns The Role of the Passive Voice Other Sentence Inversions Parallelism Repetition versus Redundancy Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Chapter 6 Sentence Rhythm Chapter Preview Intonation: The Peaks and Valleys End Focus Controlling Rhythm The It-Cleft The What-Cleft The There Transformation Rhythm and the Comma Power Words Correlative Conjunctions Adverbials of Emphasis The Common Only Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminder Chapter 7 The Writer’s Voice Chapter Preview Tone Diction Verbs and Formality Nominalized Verbs and Abstract Subjects Contractions Metaphor Metadiscourse The Overuse of Metadiscourse Point of View Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminders Part III Making Choices: Form and Function Chapter 8 Choosing Adverbials Chapter Preview The Movable Adverbials Adverbs Prepositional Phrases Proliferating Prepositional Phrases Noun Phrases Verb Phrases Dependent Clauses Punctuation of Adverbial Clauses Movability of Adverbial Clauses The Because-Clause Myth Elliptical Adverbial Clauses Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminders Chapter 9 Choosing Adjectivals Chapter Preview The Noun Phrase Preheadword Modifiers Determiners Adjectives and Nouns Modifier Noun Proliferation The Movable Adjective Phrase Postheadword Modifiers Prepositional Phrases Adjective Phrases Participial Phrases The Prenoun Participle The Movable Participle The Dangling Participle Relative Clauses The Relatives The Broad-Reference Clause Punctuation of Phrases and Clauses A Punctuation Rule Revisited Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminders Chapter 10 Choosing Nominals Chapter Preview Appositives The Colon with Appositives Avoiding Punctuation Errors The Sentence Appositive Nominal Verb Phrases Gerunds The Dangling Gerund The Subject of the Gerund Infinitives Nominal Clauses Nominals as Delayed Subjects Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminder Chapter 11 Other Stylistic Choices Chapter Preview Absolute Phrases The Coordinate Series Repetition Word-Order Variation Ellipsis Antithesis The Deliberate Fragment Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminders PART IV Your Way With Words Chapter 12 Words and Word Classes Lexical Rules Parts of Speech The Form Classes Nouns Plural-Only Forms Collective Nouns Proper Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Derivational Affixes The Structure Classes Determiners Auxiliaries Qualifiers Prepositions Particles Conjunctions Pronouns Personal Pronouns The Missing Pronoun Case Errors The Unwanted Apostrophe The Ambiguous Antecedent Reflexive Pronouns Intensive Pronouns Reciprocal Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns The Everyone/Their Issue Key Terms Rhetorical Reminders Punctuation Reminders PART V Punctuation Chapter 13 Punctuation: Its Purposes, Its Hierarchy, and Its Rhetorical Effects The Purposes of Punctuation Marks Syntax Prosody Semantics The Hierarchy of Punctuation The Rhetorical Effects of Punctuation Key Terms Glossary of Punctuation Glossary of Terms Bibliography Answers to the Exercises Index
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  • Rhetorical Grammar, 6th