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Analysing English Sentences: A Minimalist Approach 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Radford
발행년도 2009-02-23
판수 1판
페이지 540
ISBN 9780521731911
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 53,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Analysing English Sentences: A Minimalist Approach


  • Analysing English Sentences provides a concise and clear introduction to current work in syntactic theory, drawing on the key concepts of Chomsky's Minimalist Program. Assuming little or no prior knowledge of syntax or minimalism, Radford outlines the core concepts and leading ideas and how they can be used to describe various aspects of the syntax of English. A diverse range of topics is covered, including syntactic structure, null constituents, head movement, case and agreement and split projections. Using Radford's trademark approach and writing style, the book is intensive and progressive in nature, introducing grammatical concepts and working in stages towards more complex phenomena.
  • Preface xi Acknowledgments xiv 1 Grammar 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Traditional grammar: categories and functions 1 1.3 Universal Grammar 11 1.4 The Language Faculty 15 1.5 Principles of Universal Grammar 19 1.6 Parameters 21 1.7 Parameter setting 26 1.8 Summary 30 1.9 Bibliographical background 31 Workbook section 33 2 Structure 39 2.1 Overview 39 2.2 Phrases 39 2.3 Clauses 43 2.4 Specifiers 49 2.5 Intermediate and maximal projections 53 2.6 Testing structure 58 2.7 Syntactic relations 69 2.8 Bare phrase structure 75 2.9 Summary 77 2.10 Bibliographical background 80 Workbook section 81 3 Null constituents 92 3.1 Overview 92 3.2 Null subjects 92 3.3 Null auxiliaries 97 3.4 Null T in indicative clauses 101 3.5 Null T in subjunctive clauses 107 3.6 Null T in infinitive clauses 109 3.7 Null C in finite clauses 112 3.8 Null C in infinitive clauses 116 3.9 Null complementisers and case-marking 119 3.10 Defective clauses 125 3.11 Null determiners and quantifiers 129 3.12 Summary 133 3.13 Bibliographical background 135 Workbook section 137 4 Head movement 143 4.1 Overview 143 4.2 T-to-C movement 143 4.3 Movement as copying and deletion 147 4.4 V-to-T movement 151 4.5 Head movement 155 4.6 Auxiliary raising 160 4.7 Another look at negation 164 4.8 do-support 167 4.9 Head movement in nominals 172 4.10 Summary 175 4.11 Bibliographical background 176 Workbook section 178 5 Wh-movement 183 5.1 Overview 183 5.2 Wh-questions 183 5.3 Wh-movement as copying and deletion 186 5.4 Driving wh-movement and auxiliary inversion 193 5.5 Pied-piping of material in the domain of a wh-word 198 5.6 Pied-piping of a superordinate preposition 203 5.7 Long-distance wh-movement 207 5.8 Multiple wh-questions 215 5.9 Wh-subject questions 218 5.10 Exclamative and relative clauses 222 5.11 Summary 227 5.12 Bibliographical background 230 Workbook section 232 6 A-movement 238 6.1 Overview 238 6.2 Subjects in Belfast English 238 6.3 Idioms 241 6.4 Argument structure and theta-roles 243 6.5 Unaccusative predicates 249 6.6 Passive predicates 255 6.7 Long-distance passivisation 259 6.8 Raising 264 6.9 Comparing raising and control predicates 266 6.10 Summary 272 6.11 Bibliographical background 273 Workbook section 274 7 Agreement, case and A-movement 281 7.1 Overview 281 7.2 Agreement 281 7.3 Feature valuation 284 7.4 Uninterpretable features and Feature Deletion 286 7.5 Expletive it subjects 290 7.6 Expletive there subjects 295 7.7 Agreement and A-movement 302 7.8 EPP and agreement in control infinitives 305 7.9 EPP and person agreement in defective clauses 306 7.10 Defective clauses with expletive subjects 311 7.11 Summary 316 7.12 Bibliographical background 318 Workbook section 319 8 Split projections 324 8.1 Overview 324 8.2 Split CP: force, topic and focus projections 324 8.3 Split CP: finiteness projection 334 8.4 Split TP: aspect projection 338 8.5 Split TP: mood projection 342 8.6 Split VP: transitive ergative structures 345 8.7 Split VP: other transitive structures and unergatives 352 8.8 Split VP: Object Control structures 355 8.9 Split VP: unaccusative structures 359 8.10 Split VP: passive and raising structures 365 8.11 Summary 369 8.12 Bibliographical background 371 Workbook section 373 9 Phases 379 9.1 Overview 379 9.2 Phases 379 9.3 Intransitive and defective clauses 383 9.4 Phases and A-bar movement 387 9.5 A-bar movement in transitive clauses 391 9.6 Uninterpretable features and feature inheritance 397 9.7 Reflections on feature inheritance 403 9.8 Independent probes 409 9.9 Subject questions 418 9.10 More on subextraction 422 9.11 On other phases 425 9.12 Summary 430 9.13 Bibliographical background 432 Workbook section 434 Glossary and list of abbreviations 439 References 486 Index
  • Andrew Radford is Professor and Head of Department of Language and Linguistics at the University of Essex. His recent publications include Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the Structure of English (Cambridge, 2004) and English Syntax: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2004).
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선택된 옵션

  • Analysing English Sentences: A Minimalist Approach