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Hamlet (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Shakespeare Taylor
발행년도 2005-06-01
판수 3판
페이지 613
ISBN 9781904271338
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Hamlet (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)


  • The core of the ground-breaking, three text edition, this self-contained, free-standing volume gives readers the Second Quarto text (1604-5) and includes in its Introduction, notes and Appendices all the reader might expect to find in any standard Arden edition. As well as a full, illustrated Introduction to the play's historical, cultural and performance contexts and a thorough survey of critical approaches to the play, an appendix contains the additional passages found only in the 1623 text."The new Arden Hamlet is a pathbreaking edition, one that promises to change irrevocably our understanding of Shakespeare's greatest play."- Professor James Shapiro, author of 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare'Hamlet's latest editors have undertaken a heroic task with great skill and thoroughnesss.' - Stanley Wells, The Observer"(The) new Arden Hamlet is quite simply the most comprehensive edition of the play currently available, a status I suspect it will enjoy for many years to come" - The British Theatre Guide"Stunning! There is absolutely no doubt about this being the text to buy if you are studying the play at A Level. And the same stands for those students who will be studying the play at university. This critical edition gives the reader the Second Quarto Text (1604-1605), annotated with intelligence and care, a wealth of historical and cultural references and a survey of different critical approaches to the play."- The Use of English, The English Association
  • List of illustrations General editors preface Preface INTRODUCTION The challenges of Hamlet - The challenge of acting Hamlet - The challenge of editing Hamlet - The challenge to the greatness of Hamlet: Hamlet versus Lear Hamlet in our time - The soliloquies and the modernity of Hamlet - Hamlet and Freud - Reading against the Hamlet tradition Hamlet in Shakespeares time - Hamlet at the turn of the century - The challenge of dating Hamlet - Was there an earlier Hamlet play? - Are there any early references to Shakespeares play? - Can we date Hamlet in relation to other contemporary plays? - Hamlets first performances The story of Hamlet - Murder most foul - An antic disposition - Sentences, speeches and thoughts The composition of Hamlet - The quartos and the Folio - The quartos - The First Folio - The relationship of Q2 to Q1 - The relationship of F to Q2 - What, then, of Q1? - Editorial practice - Why a three-text edition? Hamlet on stage and screen - Hamlet and his points - Enter the director - Hamlet and politics Novel Hamlets - Hamlet meets Fielding, Goethe, Dickens and others - Hamlet and women novelists - Prequels and sequels The continuing mystery of Hamlet THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK (The Second Quarto, 1604?) Appendix 1: Folio-only passages Appendix 2: Textual discussion Appendix 3: Editorial conventions, sample edited passages and a comparison of scenes across the three texts Appendix 4: The act division at 3.4/4.1 Appendix 5: Casting Appendix 6: Music Abbreviations and references Abbreviations used in notes Works by and partly by Shakespeare Editions of Shakespeare collated Other works cited Index
  • Ann Thompson is Professor of English and Head of the School of Humanities, King's College London. She is also a General Editor of The Arden Shakespeare. Neil Taylor is Dean of Research at Roehampton University.
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  • Hamlet (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)