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King Henry VIII (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Shakespeare McMullan
발행년도 2000-11-02
판수 3 판
페이지 508
ISBN 9781903436257
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • King Henry VIII (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)


  • King Henry VIII has one of the fullest theatrical histories of any play in the Shakespeare canon, yet has been consistently misrepresented, both in performance and in criticism. This edition offers a new perspective on this ironic, multi-layered, collaborative play, revealing it as a complex meditation on the progress of Reformation which sees English life since Henry VIII's day as a series of bewildering changes in national and personal allegiance and represents "history" as the product of varied and contradictory testimony. McMullan makes a powerful claim for the rehabilitation of Henry VIII, providing the fullest performance history of any edition to date and reading the work not as a marginal "late" Shakespeare play but as a play which is paradigmatic of the achievement of Renaissance drama as a whole. His introduction emphasizes truth and conscience and the dramatic devices used to portray these themes. This edition's appendices elucidate the chronology for the events portrayed in King Henry VIII and other source works. A scene from Beaumont and Fletcher's A Maid's Tragedy, comments on music, a doubling chart, and other reference information are also included.
  • List of illustrations General Editors preface Preface Introduction Authenticities: performance history - Date and early performances - Performances 1660-1916 - Performances 1916-2000 All is true: cultural history - Truth and topicality - Royal reputations - The conscience of the King - Truth and temperance - Truth and tragicomedy - The character of the Queen - Hidden reformations - Truth and topicality: coda Originals: textual history - Text and modernization - Resources - Sources - Analogues - Collaboration KING HENRY VIII (ALL IS TRUE) Longer notes Appendices 1) Contextual chronology for the events of Henry VIII 2) Comparative chronology (1603-13) for plays in Fletcher and Shakespeare canons 3) Attribution and composition 4) The Maids Tragedy 5) Uncollected sources/analogues 6) Music 7) Doubling chart Abbreviations and References Index
  • Gordon McMullan is a professor in the Department of English at King's College London.
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  • King Henry VIII (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)