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Shakespeare and the Language of Translation ( Arden Shakespeare: Shakespeare and Language Series) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Hoenselaars
발행년도 2004-04-29
판수 1판
페이지 360
ISBN 9781904271451
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Shakespeare and the Language of Translation ( Arden Shakespeare: Shakespeare and Language Series)


  • Shakespeare's international status as a literary icon is largely based on his masterful use of the English language, yet beyond Britain his plays and poems are read and performed mainly in translation. Shakespeare and the Language of Translation addresses this apparent contradiction and is the first major survey of its kind. Covering the many ways in which the translation of Shakespeare’s works is practised and studied from Bulgaria to Japan, South Africa to Germany, it also discusses the translation of Macbeth into Scots and of Romeo and Juliet into British Sign Language. The collection places renderings of Shakespeare’s works aimed at the page and the stage, in their multiple cultural contexts, including gender, race and nation, as well as personal and postcolonial politics. Shakespeare’s impact on nations and cultures all around the world is increasingly a focus for study and debate. As a result, the international performance of Shakespeare and Shakespeare in translation have become areas of growing popularity for both under- and postgraduate study, for which this book provides a valuable companion. 'This volume expertly describes the richness and strangeness that literary translation brings to world culture. It should be obligatory reading for Shakespeare scholars and literary-translation scholars alike' - Francis Jones, MLR
  • Shakespeare's international status as a literary icon is largely based on his masterful use of the English language, yet beyond Britain his plays and poems are read and performed mainly in translation. Shakespeare and the Language of Translation addresses this apparent contradiction and is the first major survey of its kind. Covering the many ways in which the translation of Shakespeare’s works is practised and studied from Bulgaria to Japan, South Africa to Germany, it also discusses the translation of Macbeth into Scots and of Romeo and Juliet into British Sign Language. The collection places renderings of Shakespeare’s works aimed at the page and the stage, in their multiple cultural contexts, including gender, race and nation, as well as personal and postcolonial politics. Shakespeare’s impact on nations and cultures all around the world is increasingly a focus for study and debate. As a result, the international performance of Shakespeare and Shakespeare in translation have become areas of growing popularity for both under- and postgraduate study, for which this book provides a valuable companion. 'This volume expertly describes the richness and strangeness that literary translation brings to world culture. It should be obligatory reading for Shakespeare scholars and literary-translation scholars alike' - Francis Jones, MLR 
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선택된 옵션

  • Shakespeare and the Language of Translation ( Arden Shakespeare: Shakespeare and Language Series)