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견본신청 문의
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오탈자 문의

Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of Learners of First and Other Languages 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Tomlinson
발행년도 2007-02-01
판수 1 판
페이지 304
ISBN 9780826492692
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 40,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of Learners of First and Other Languages


  • This book presents new research in the field of language acquisition and development. The contributors pay attention to first language development and other language acquisition (second, foreign and additional), and focus on issues directly relevant to both areas of investigation. One of the main aims of the book is to discover how research and practice in first language development can contribute to the teaching and learning of other languages, and vice versa. The book is distinctive in this area in its application of theoretical findings to the development of principles, objectives and procedures for language learning. This practical focus can also be seen in the open-minded approach taken to the interpretation of the evidence presented in the book. Rather than setting out to prove any particular hypothesis, the book aims to develop practical applications relating to the tendencies indicated by the research. Language Acquisition and Development will be of interest to postgraduates and academics researching language acquisition, language development and applied linguistics and to language teachers with an interest in language learning theory.
  • Introduction: Some Similarities and Differences Between L1 and L2 Acquisition and Development ?Brian Tomlinson Part I. Critical Reviews of the Literature 1. The Role of Proto-Reading Activities in the Acquisition and Development of Effective Reading Skills -Hitomi Masuhara 2. The Transfer of Reading from the Language of Wider Communication to the First Language - Agatha van Ginkel 3. The Processing of Past Tense Verbs for L1 Learners of English -Natalie Barber 4. The Roles of Audio-Visual Mental Aids in the Development of First and Other Language Proficiency ?Brian Tomlinson and Javier Avilla 5. Applications of the Research into the Roles of Audio-Visual Mental Aids for Language Teaching Pedagogy ?Brian Tomlinson and Javier Avilla 6. Internalization and Language Acquisition -James Lantolf and Beatriz Centeno-Cortes 7. Affect in L2 Teacher Talk -Jane Arnold and Carmen Fonseca 8. The Attitudes of Language Learners Towards Target Varieties of the Language -Ivor Timmis Part II. Research Reports 9. The Value of Recasting During Meaning Focused Activities 1 -Brian Tomlinson 10. The Value of Recasting During Meaning Focused Activities 2 -Javier Avilla 11. Output Like Input: Influence of Children's Literature on Young L2 Learners Written Expression ?Irma Kaarina Ghosn 12. The Value of Comprehension in the Early Stages of the Acquisition and Development of Bahasa Indonesia by Native and by Non-Native Speakers -Erlin Susanti Barnard 13. Classroom Reticence in the Learning of Vietnamese and of English in Vietnam -Bao Dat 14. A sort of Puzzle for Non- Native-Like Fluency Luke Prodromou 15. Perceptions of Culture By British Students Learning French -Catherine von Knorring 16. A Blind Learner in EFL Mainstream Courses: A Case Study at The Lebanese American University -Nola Bacha Conclusions -Brian Tomlinson
  • Brian Tomlinson is a Visiting Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. He has worked in Japan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, the UK, Vanuatu and Zambia and has given presentations in over fifty countries. He is Founder and President of MATSDA and has published many articles and books on materials development and on language acquisition.
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선택된 옵션

  • Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of Learners of First and Other Languages