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Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction, 2nd 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Strauss
발행년도 2008-01-18
판수 2판
페이지 464
ISBN 9780470054567
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 72,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction, 2nd


  • Our understanding of the fundamental processes of the natural world is based to a large extent on partial differential equations (PDEs). The second edition of Partial Differential Equations provides an introduction to the basic properties of PDEs and the ideas and techniques that have proven useful in analyzing them. It provides the student a broad perspective on the subject, illustrates the incredibly rich variety of phenomena encompassed by it, and imparts a working knowledge of the most important techniques of analysis of the solutions of the equations. In this book mathematical jargon is minimized. Our focus is on the three most classical PDEs, the wave, heat and Lapace equations. Advanced concepts are introduced frequently but with the least possible technicalities. The book is flexibly designed for juniors, seniors or beginning graduate students in science, engineering or mathematics.

  • Chapter 1: Where PDEs Come From

    1.1 What is a Partial Differential Equation?

    1.2 First-Order Linear Equations

    1.3 Flows, Vibrations, and Diffusions

    1.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions

    1.5 Well-Posed Problems

    1.6 Types of Second-Order Equations


    Chapter 2

    : Waves and Diffusions

    2.1 The Wave Equation

    2.2 Causality and Energy

    2.3 The Diffusion Equation

    2.4 Diffusion on the Whole Line

    2.5 Comparison of Waves and Diffusions


    Chapter 3: Reflections and Sources

    3.1 Diffusion on the Half-Line

    3.2 Reflections of Waves

    3.3 Diffusion with a Source

    3.4 Waves with a Source

    3.5 Diffusion Revisited


    Chapter 4: Boundary Problems

    4.1 Separation of Variables, The Dirichlet Condition

    4.2 The Neumann Condition

    4.3 The Robin Condition


    Chapter 5: Fourier Series

    5.1 The Coefficients

    5.2 Even, Odd, Periodic, and Complex Functions

    5.3 Orthogonality and the General Fourier Series

    5.4 Completeness

    5.5 Completeness and the Gibbs Phenomenon

    5.6 Inhomogeneous Boundary Conditions


    Chapter 6: Harmonic Functions

    6.1 Laplace’s Equation

    6.2 Rectangles and Cubes

    6.3 Poisson’s Formula

    6.4 Circles, Wedges, and Annuli


    Chapter 7: Green’s Identities and Green’s Functions

    7.1 Green’s First Identity

    7.2 Green’s Second Identity

    7.3 Green’s Functions

    7.4 Half-Space and Sphere


    Chapter 8: Computation of Solutions

    8.1 Opportunities and Dangers

    8.2 Approximations of Diffusions

    8.3 Approximations of Waves

    8.4 Approximations of Laplace’s Equation

    8.5 Finite Element Method


    Chapter 9: Waves in Space

    9.1 Energy and Causality

    9.2 The Wave Equation in Space-Time

    9.3 Rays, Singularities, and Sources

    9.4 The Diffusion and Schrodinger Equations

    9.5 The Hydrogen Atom


    Chapter 10: Boundaries in the Plane and in Space

    10.1 Fourier’s Method, Revisited

    10.2 Vibrations of a Drumhead

    10.3 Solid Vibrations in a Ball

    10.4 Nodes

    10.5 Bessel Functions

    10.6 Legendre Functions

    10.7 Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics


    Chapter 11: General Eigenvalue Problems

    11.1 The Eigenvalues Are Minima of the Potential Energy

    11.2 Computation of Eigenvalues

    11.3 Completeness

    11.4 Symmetric Differential Operators

    11.5 Completeness and Separation of Variables

    11.6 Asymptotics of the Eigenvalues


    Chapter 12: Distributions and Transforms

    12.1 Distributions

    12.2 Green’s Functions, Revisited

    12.3 Fourier Transforms

    12.4 Source Functions

    12.5 Laplace Transform Techniques


    Chapter 13: PDE Problems for Physics

    13.1 Electromagnetism

    13.2 Fluids and Acoustics

    13.3 Scattering

    13.4 Continuous Spectrum

    13.5 Equations of Elementary Particles


    Chapter 14: Nonlinear PDEs

    14.1 Shock Waves

    14.2 Solitions

    14.3 Calculus of Variations

    14.4 Bifurcation Theory

    14.5 Water Waves



    A.1 Continuous and Differentiable Functions

    A.2 Infinite Sets of Functions

    A.3 Differentiation and Integration

    A.4 Differential Equations

    A.5 The Gamma Function References Answers and Hints to Selected Exercises Index


  • Dr. Walter A. Strauss is a professor of mathematics at Brown University. He has published numerous journal articles and papers. Not only is he is a member of the Division of Applied Mathematics and the Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems, but he is currently serving as the Editor in Chief of the SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. Dr. Strauss' research interests include Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, Stability Theory, Solitary Waves, Kinetic Theory of Plasmas, Scattering Theory, Water Waves, Dispersive Waves. 

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  • Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction, 2nd