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Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Bennett Briggs
발행년도 2007-07-20
판수 4 edition판
페이지 848
ISBN 9780321526809
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 40,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach


  • Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, Fifth Edition increases readers?mathematical literacy so that they better understand the mathematics used in their daily lives, and can use math effectively to make better decisions every day. Contents are organized with that in mind, with engaging coverage in sections like Taking Control of Your Finances, Dividing the Political Pie, and a full chapter about Mathematics and the Arts.
  • Preface Prologue: Literacy for the Modern World Part 1 Logic and Problem Solving Chapter 1 Thinking Critically 1A Recognizing Fallacies 1B Propositions and Truth Values 1C Sets and Venn Diagrams 1D Analyzing Arguments 1E Critical Thinking in Everyday Life Chapter 2 Approaches to Problem Solving 2A The Problem-Solving Power of Units 2B Standardized Units: More Problem-Solving Power 2C Problem-Solving Guidelines and Hints Part 2 Quantitative Information in Everyday Life Chapter 3 Numbers in the Real World 3A Uses and Abuses of Percentages 3B Putting Numbers in Perspective 3C Dealing with Uncertainty 3D Index Numbers: The CPI and Beyond 3E How Numbers Deceive: Polygraphs, Mammograms, and More Chapter 4 Managing Your Money 4A Taking Control of Your Finances 4B The Power of Compounding 4C Savings Plans and Investments 4D Loan Payments, Credit Cards, and Mortgages 4E Income Taxes 4F Understanding the Federal Budget Part 3 Probability and Statistics Chapter 5 Statistical Reasoning 5A Fundamentals of Statistics 5B Should You Believe a Statistical Study? 5C Statistical Tables and Graphs 5D Graphics in the Media 5E Correlation and Causality Chapter 6 Putting Statistics to Work 6A Characterizing a Data Distribution 6B Measures of Variation 6C The Normal Distribution 6D Statistical Inference Chapter 7 Probability: Living with the Odds 7A Fundamentals of Probability 7B Combining Probabilities 7C The Law of Large Numbers 7D Assessing Risk 7E Counting and Probability Part 4 Modeling Chapter 8 Exponential Astonishment 8A Growth: Linear versus Exponential 8B Doubling Time and Half-Life 8C Real Population Growth 8D Logarithmic Scales: Earthquakes, Sounds, and Acids Chapter 9 Modeling Our World 9A Functions: The Building Blocks of Mathematical Models 9B Linear Modeling 9C Exponential Modeling Chapter 10 Modeling with Geometry 10A Fundamentals of Geometry 10B Problem Solving with Geometry 10C Fractal Geometry Part 5 Further Applications Chapter 11 Mathematics and the Arts 11A Mathematics and Music 11B Perspective and Symmetry 11C Proportion and the Golden Ratio Chapter 12 Mathematics and Politics 12A Voting: Does the Majority Always Rule? 12B Theory of Voting 12C Apportionment: The House of Representatives and Beyond 12D Dividing the Political Pie Chapter 13 Mathematics and Business 13A Network Analysis 13B The Traveling Salesman Problem 13C Scheduling Problems Credits Answers Index 
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선택된 옵션

  • Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach