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견본신청 문의
단체구매 문의
오탈자 문의

Early Korean Literature 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 McCann
발행년도 2000-09-14
판수 1판
페이지 192
ISBN 9780231119474
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Early Korean Literature


  • Preeminent scholar and translator David R. McCann presents an anthology of his own translations of works ranging across the major genres and authors of Korean writing - stories, legends, poems, historical vignettes, and other works - and a set of critical essays on major themes. A brief history of traditional Korean literature orients the reader to the historical context of the writings, thus bringing into focus this rich literary tradition. The anthology of translations begins with the "Samguk sagi", or "History of the Three Kingdoms", written in 1145, and ends with "The Story of Master H ", written in the late 1700s. Three exploratory essays of particular subtlety and lucidity raise interpretive and comparative issues that provide a creative, sophisticated framework for approaching the selections.
  • Preface A Brief History of Korean Literature to the Nineteenth Century Part 1: An Anthology of Korean Literature The "Samguk sagi"(1145) "Song of the Oriole'' The "Samguk yusa" (1285) Book 1: Tan'gun ("Ancient Chosìn") Book 2: The Story of Lady Suro Book 2: Ch'ìyong and Manghae Temple Book 2: King Mu Koryì Songs "Would You Go?'' "Song of Green Mountains'' History as Literature: The Political and Cultural Transition from Koryì to Chosìn The "Sijo" Exchange Between Yi Pang-wìn and Chìng Mong-ju The "Koryìsa": The "History of Koryì" Book 2: The Ten Injunctions and the Death of Wang Kìn Book 117: Biographies: Chìng Mong-ju "Song of the Dragons Flying to Heaven" Early Chosìn (1392--1598) "Sijo" "Sijo" Songs "Song of the Five Friends'' by Yun Sìn-do "Sijo" by Chìng Ch'ìl "Sijo" Ascribed to "Kisaeng" "Kasa" "Song to Spring'' by Chìng Kñg-in "Song of Longing'' by Chìng Ch'ìl "Song of a Humble Life'' by Pak Il-lo "Married Sorrow'' by Hì Nansìrhìn "Hanmun": Poems and Prose in Chinese "Hansi" by Yi Kyu-bo and Others "Hansi" by Hì Nansìrhìn "Hansi" by Lady Chìng and Other Women "The Story of Master Hì'' by Pak Chi-wìn Part 2: Negotiations in Korean Literary Culture Introduction The Story of Ch'ìyong: A Parable of Literary Negotiation Song of the Dragons Flying to Heaven: Negotiating History Performance and Korean "Sijo" Verse: Negotiating Difference Conclusion
  • David R. McCann is Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Literature in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. His publications include Selected Poems of S Chngju and Form and Freedom in Korean Poetry.
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  • Early Korean Literature