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Introducing Language in Use 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Bloomer
발행년도 2006-03-29
판수 1판
페이지 491
ISBN 9780415291798
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 25,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Introducing Language in Use


  • Whereas the phonic features of dialects have been studied for a long time, it is only recently that attention has turned to the analysis of typical regional intonations (sentence melodies). The present study provides a review of research on the subject and then turns to an analysis of Cologne German using data from spontaneous speech. It provides a sound formal analysis of typical Cologne intonation patterns and in addition shows how these are used by speakers in their linguistic interactions. "Drawing on a vast range of data and examples of language in its many forms, this book provides students with the tools they need to analyze real language in diverse contexts. Designed to be highly adaptable for course use, the authors suggest a range of different routes through the book. Introducing Language in Use: covers all the core areas and topics of language study: language, semiotics and communication, grammar, phonetics, words, semantics, variety in language, history of English, World Englishes and multilingualism adopts a 'how to' approach, encouraging students to apply their knowledge as they learn it draws on examples of language from around the world in forms ranging from conversation to advertising and text messaging, always giving precedence to real language in use includes activities throughout the text with commentaries, summaries, suggestions for further reading and an extensive glossary of terms features a final unit which provides students with extensive practice in analyzing language in use is supported by a companion website, offering extra resources for students and lecturers. This is an essential coursebook for all introductory courses in English language,  communication and linguistics.
  • 1. Introduction and How to use This Book 2. Language, Semiotics and Communication 3. Conversation Analysis 4. Pragmatics 5. Powerful Language and Humour 6. Words 7. Semantics 8. Syntax 9. Written Text and Stylistics 10. Phonetics & Phonology 11. Regional Varieties 12. Social Varieties of Language 13. Children's Acquisition of Language 14. Neurolinguistics 15. Multilingualism/Bilingualism 16. Language Families and Language Change 17. History of English 18. World Englishes 19. Language in Education 20. What Can You Do With a Degree in Linguistics?
  • Aileen Bloomer teaches at York St John College, UK. Previously she has worked in Sweden, Germany, Vietnam and China. Patrick Griffiths teaches at Beppu University, Japan. He has previously worked at the University of the South Pacific, York University, UK, and York St John College, UK. Andrew John Merrison teaches at York St John College, UK. Previously he has worked at the universities of Durham, Edinburgh, York and Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh.
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  • Introducing Language in Use