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The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 M. Jimmie Killingsworth
발행년도 2007-03-08
판수 1판
페이지 140
ISBN 9780521670944
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman


  • Walt Whitman is one of the most innovative and influential American poets of the nineteenth century. Focusing on his masterpiece Leaves of Grass, this book provides a foundation for the study of Whitman as an experimental poet, a radical democrat, and a historical personality in the era of the American Civil War, the growth of the great cities, and the westward expansion of the United States. Always a controversial and important figure, Whitman continues to attract the admiration of poets, artists, critics, political activists, and readers around the world. Those studying his work for the first time will find this an invaluable book. Alongside close readings of the major texts, chapters on Whitman's biography, the history and culture of his time, and the critical reception of his work provide a comprehensive understanding of Whitman and of how he has become such a central figure in the American literary canon. Walt Whitman is one of the most innovative and influential American poets of the nineteenth century. Focusing on his masterpiece Leaves of Grass, this book provides a foundation for the study of Whitman as an experimental poet, a radical democrat, and a historical personality in the era of the American Civil War, the growth of the great cities, and the westward expansion of the United States. Always a controversial and important figure, Whitman continues to attract the admiration of poets, artists, critics, political activists, and readers around the world. Those studying his work for the first time will find this an invaluable book. Alongside close readings of the major texts, chapters on Whitman's biography, the history and culture of his time, and the critical reception of his work provide a comprehensive understanding of Whitman and of how he has become such a central figure in the American literary canon.
  • Preface Chapter 1 Life 1 Youth and literary apprenticeship (1819~850) The emergence of the poet (1851~860) The war and its aftermath (1861~873) The period of reflection and decline (1873~892) Chapter 2 Historical and cultural contexts Democracy The body The land The culture Chapter 3 Poetry before the Civil War 1855: song of Myself ? Other poems dating from the 1855 Leaves of Grass 1856: poems of sexuality and the body 1856: poems of the earth 1856: crossing Brooklyn Ferry? 1860: Sea-Drift poems 1860: gendered clusters children of Adam and thalamus? Chapter 4 Poetry after the Civil War Elegiac poems The emergence of the image Minor poetic modes Chapter 5 Prose works The 1855 preface Democratic Vistas Specimen Days Chapter 6 Critical reception The first fifty years, 1855~905 1905~955 1955~005 Notes Further reading Index
  • M. Jimmie Killingsworth is Professor of English at Texas A&M University.
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  • The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman