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The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Russell Jackson
발행년도 2007-03-29
판수 2판
페이지 352
ISBN 9780521685016
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 28,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film


  • Film adaptations of Shakespeare's plays are increasingly popular and now figure prominently in the study of his work and its reception. This Companion is a lively collection of critical and historical essays on the films adapted from, and inspired by, Shakespeare's plays. Chapters have been revised and updated from the first edition to include the most recent films and scholarship. An international team of leading scholars discuss Shakespearean films from a variety of perspectives: as works of art in their own right; as products of the international movie industry; and as the work of particular directors from Laurence Olivier and Orson Welles to Franco Zeffirelli and Kenneth Branagh. They also consider specific issues such as the portrayal of Shakespeare's women and the supernatural. The emphasis is on feature films for cinema, rather than television, with strong coverage of Hamlet, Richard III, Macbeth, King Lear and Romeo and Juliet. Film adaptations of Shakespeare's plays are increasingly popular and now figure prominently in the study of his work and its reception. This Companion is a lively collection of critical and historical essays on the films adapted from, and inspired by, Shakespeare's plays. Chapters have been revised and updated from the first edition to include the most recent films and scholarship. An international team of leading scholars discuss Shakespearean films from a variety of perspectives: as works of art in their own right; as products of the international movie industry; and as the work of particular directors from Laurence Olivier and Orson Welles to Franco Zeffirelli and Kenneth Branagh. They also consider specific issues such as the portrayal of Shakespeare's women and the supernatural. The emphasis is on feature films for cinema, rather than television, with strong coverage of Hamlet, Richard III, Macbeth, King Lear and Romeo and Juliet.
  • Introduction: Shakespeare, films and the marketplace Russell Jackson Part I. Adaptation and its Contexts 1. From play-script to screenplay Russell Jackson 2. Video and its paradoxes Mich?e Willems 3. Critical junctures in Shakespeare screen history: the case of Richard III Barbara Freedman 4. Shakespeare and movie genre: the case of Hamlet Harry Keyishian Part II. Genres and Plays 5. The comedies on film Michael Hattaway 6. Filming Shakespeare뭩 history: three films of Richard III H. R. Coursen 7. Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear on film J. Lawrence Guntner 8. The tragedies of love on film Patricia Tatspaugh Part III. Directors 9. The Shakespeare films of Laurence Olivier Anthony Davies 10. Orson Welles and filmed Shakespeare Pamela Mason 11. Grigori Kozintsev뭩 Hamlet and King Lear Mark Sokolyansky 12. Franco Zeffirelli and Shakespeare Deborah Cartmell 13. Flamboyant realist: Kenneth Branagh Samuel Crowl Part IV. Critical Issues 14. Looking at Shakespeare뭩 women on film Carol Chillington Rutter 15. National and racial stereotypes in Shakespeare films Neil Taylor 16. Shakespeare the illusionist: filming the supernatural Neil Forsyth 17. Shakespeare뭩 cinematic offshoots Tony Howard Further reading Filmography Index
  • Russell Jackson is Allardyce Nicoll Professor of Drama, Department of Drama and Theatre Arts at the University of Birmingham
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  • The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film