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Applied Phonetics Workbook, 3rd 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Edwards Gregg
발행년도 2003-01-13
판수 3 edition판
페이지 144
ISBN 9780769302614
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 48,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Applied Phonetics Workbook, 3rd


  • Wichita State Univ., KS. Resource, for students, provides a wide variety of transcription exercises. Exercises begin at a very basic level and progress as the reader's skills improve and develop. Various dialects are provided in the audio activities on the CDs. To be used in conjunction with the textbook titled, Applied Phonetics, 3rd ed., c2003. Softcover.
  • For the Student vii Acknowledgments ix PART I MASTERING THE BASICS 1(84) Section 1. The Phonetic Alphabet: An Overview 3(11) Section 2. Consonants: /p, b, t, d, k, g, m, n, η, l, r/ Vowels: /I, ε, æ, ∂, o/ 14(13) Section 3. Sound Variations in Phonetic Contexts, Registers, and Dialects Consonants: [t, , ?] Syllabics: [m, n, η, l] Vowel + /r/ Combination: /εr/ 27(13) Section 4. Consonants: /j, w, h/ Vowels and Diphthong: /^, ∋, a, u, ju/ 40(9) Section 5. Consonants: /s, z, ∫ 3, f, v/ Vowels and Diphthongs: /e,/ 49(13) Section 6. Consonants: /ø, o, t∫, d3/ Vowels and Diphthong: /i, a/ 62(15) Section 7. Stress in American English 77(9) Section 8. Transcribing More Allophonic Variations: Diacritics 86 PART II ADVANCED TRANSCRIPTION 85(43) Section 9. Transcribing Connected Speech 95(7) Section 10. Transcribing Dialect Differences 102(3) Section 11. Transcribing Non-Native Speech 105(6) Section 12. Transcribing Phonologically Disordered Speech 111(6) Section 13. Using Alternative Transcription Systems 117(3) Section 14. Putting It All Together: A Review of General Concepts 120(8) References 128(1) Appendixes 129(1) Printed and Handwritten Symbols 129(2) Selected Answers to Some Transcription Exercises 131(8) Comparison of Commonly Used Phonetic Alphabets 139(2) Index 141(1) Flash Cards
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  • Applied Phonetics Workbook, 3rd