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Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Vincet Ryan Ruggiero
발행년도 2007-05-16
판수 8판
페이지 230
ISBN 9780073535692
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 48,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking


  • This succinct, interdisciplinary introduction to critical thinking successfully dares students to question their own assumptions and to enlarge their thinking through the analysis of the most common problems associated with everyday reasoning. The text offers a unique and effective organization: Part I explains the fundamental concepts; Part II describes the most common barriers to critical thinking; Part III offers strategies for overcoming those barriers.
  • Preface Introduction PART I. THE CONTEXT 1. Who Are You? The Influence of Time and Place The Influence of Mass Culture The "Science" of Manipulation The Influence of Psychology Becoming an Individual Applications 2. What Is Critical Thinking? Mind, Brain, or Both? Critical Thinking Defined Characteristics of Critical Thinkers The Role of Intuition The Basic Activities of Critical Thinking Critical Thinking and Writing Critical Thinking and Discussion Avoiding Plagiarism Applications 3. What Is Truth? Where Does It All Begin? Imperfect Perception Imperfect Memory Deficient Information Even the Wisest Can Err Truth Is Discovered, Not Created Applications 4. What Does It Mean to Know? Requirements of Knowing Testing Your Own Knowledge How We Come to Know Why Knowing is Difficult A Cautionary Tail Is Faith a Form of Knowledge Obstacles to Knowledge Applications 5. How Good Are Your Opinions? Opinions Can Be Mistaken Opinions on Moral Issues Even Experts Can Be Wrong Kinds of Error Informed Versus Uninformed Opinion Forming Correct Opinions Applications 6. What Is Evidence? Kinds of Evidence Evaluating Evidence What Constitutes "Sufficient" Evidence? Applications 7. What Is Argument? The Parts of an Argument Evaluating Arguments More Difficult Arguments Applications PART II. THE PITFALLS 8. The Basic Problem: "Mine Is Better" Egocentric People Ethnocentric People Controlling "Mine-Is-Better" Thinking Applications 9. Errors of Perspective Poverty of Aspect Unwarranted Assumptions The Either/Or Outlook Mindless Conformity Absolutism Relativism Bias For or Against Change Applications 10. Errors of Procedure Biased Consideration of Evidence Double Standard Hasty Conclusion Overgeneralization and Stereotyping Oversimplification The Post Hoc Fallacy Applications 11. Errors of Expression Contradiction Arguing in a Circle Meaningless Statement Mistaken Authority False Analogy Irrational Appeal Applications 12. Errors of Reaction Automatic Rejection Changing the Subject Shifting the Burden of Proof "Straw Man" Attacking the Critic Applications 13. The Errors in Combination Errors of Perspective Errors of Procedure Errors of Expression Errors of Reaction Sample Combinations of Errors A Sensible View of Terminology Applications PART III. A STRATEGY 14. Knowing Yourself Critical Thinking Inventory Using Your Inventory Challenge and Reward Applications 15. Being Observant Observing People Observation in Science and Medicine The Range of Application Becoming More Observant Reflecting Your Observations Applications 16. Selecting an Issue The Basic Rule: Less Is More How to Limit an Issue Sample Issue: Pornography Sample Issue: Boxing Sample Issue: Juvenile Crime Narrowing the Issue Further Applications 17. Conducting Inquiry Working with Inconclusive Results Where to Look for Information How Much Inquiry is Enough? Managing Lengthy Material Applications 18. Forming a Judgment Evaluating Evidence Evaluating Your Sources' Arguments Making Important Distinctions Expressing Judgments Applications 19. Persuading Others Guidelines for Persuasion An Unpersuasive Presentation A Persuasive Presentation Applications Notes Index
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  • Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking