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Longman Writer 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

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지은이 Judith Nadell
발행년도 2005-04-13
판수 6 판
페이지 752
ISBN 9780321331069
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Longman Writer


  • One of the most successful writing texts on the market, this "all-in-one" rhetoric, reader, and handbook, organized around the patterns of development, contains everything students need for courses in freshman composition. Created by the authors of the best-selling Longman Reader, the text draws on decades of teaching experience to integrate the best of the "product" and "process" approaches to writing. Its particular strengths include an emphasis on the reading-writing connection, a focus on invention and revision, more attention to the fact that patterns blend in actual writing, and an abundance of class-tested activities and assignments--more than 350 in all.
  • The Reading Process Becoming a Strong Reader Get an Overview of the Selection Deepen Your Sense of the Selection Evaluate the Selection Family Counterculture The Writing Process Getting Started Through Prewriting Observations About the Writing Process Use Prewriting to Get Started Keep a Journal Understand the Boundaries of the Assignment Determine Your Purpose, Audience, Tone, and Point of View Discover Your Essay's Limited Subject Generate Raw Material About Your Limited Subject Organize the Raw Material Activities: Getting Started Through Prewriting Identifying a Thesis What Is a Thesis Finding a Thesis Writing an Effective Thesis Tone and Point of View Implied Pattern of Development Including a Plan of Development.Don't Write a Highly Opinionated Statement Don't Make an Announcement Don't Make a Factual Statement Don't Make a Broad Statement Arriving at an Effective Thesis Placing the Thesis in an Essay Activities: Identifying a Thesis Supporting the Thesis with Evidence What Is Evidence How Do You Find Evidence How the Patterns of Development Help Generate Evidence Characteristics of Evidence The Evidence Is Relevant and Unified The Evidence Is Specific The Evidence Is Adequate The Evidence Is Dramatic The Evidence Is Accurate The Evidence Is Representative The Evidence Is Documented Activities: Supporting the Thesis with Evidence Organizing the Evidence Use the Patterns of Development Select an Organizational Approach Chronological Approach Spatial Approach Emphatic Approach Simple-to-Complex Approach Prepare an Outline Activities: Organizing the Evidence Writing the Paragraphs in the First Draft How to Move from Outline to First Draft General Suggestions on How to Proceed If You Get Bogged Down.A Suggested Sequence for Writing the First Draft Write the Supporting Paragraphs Write Other Paragraphs in the Essay's Body Write the Introduction Write the Conclusion Write the Title Pulling It All Together Sample First Draft Harriet Davids, Challenges for Today's Parents Activities: Writing the Paragraphs in the First Draft Revising Overall Meaning, Structure, and Paragraph Development Strategies to Make Revision Easier Set Your First Draft Aside for a While Work from Typed or Printed Text Read the Draft Aloud View Revision as a Series of Steps Evaluate and Respond to Instructor Feedback Peer Review: An Additional Revision Strategy Evaluate and Respond to Peer Review Revising Overall Meaning and Structure Revising Paragraph Development Sample Student Revision of Overall Meaning, Structure, and Paragraph Development Activities: Revising Overall Meaning, Structure, and Paragraph Development Revising Sentences and Words Revising Sentences Make Sentences Consistent with Your Tone Make Sentences Economical Vary Sentence Type Vary Sentence Length Make Sentences Emphatic Revising Words Make Words Consistent with Your Tone Use an Appropriate Level of Diction Avoid Words That Overstate or Understate Select Words with Appropriate Connotations Use Specific Rather Than General Words Use Strong Verbs Delete Unnecessary Adverbs Use Original Figures of Speech Avoid Sexist Language Sample Student Revision of Sentences Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.
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  • Longman Writer