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The Little, Brown Handbook 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 H. Ramsey Fowler
발행년도 2008-06-24
판수 10판
페이지 992
ISBN 9780205662722
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 18,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • The Little, Brown Handbook


  • The most trusted and authoritative name in handbooks, The Little, Brown Compact Handbook with Exercises is an easy-to-use reference that will answer any question you may have in grammar, writing, or research. It also includes exercises so you can practice skills. This edition offers the latest information on writing with computers, writing online, analyzing visuals, and researching effectively on the Internet. With clear explanations, a wealth of examples, and quick reference checklists and boxes, The Little, Brown Compact Handbook will makes it easy to find what you need and use the information you find. Will answer any question a writer has about grammar, the writing process, or research. The writing process, critical thinking, argumentative writing, style, grammar, mechanics, usage, the research process, how to document sources. Anyone who wants a reliable writing reference book.
  • Preface for Students: Using This Book Preface for Instructors I. THE WRITING PROCESS 1. Assessing the Writing Situation a. Understanding how writing happens b. Analyzing the writing situation c. Discovering and limiting a subject d. Considering the audience e. Defining a purpose 2. Developing and Shaping Ideas a. Discovering ideas b. Developing a thesis c. Organizing ideas Sample essay 3. Drafting and Revising a. Writing the first draft b. Revising the first draft c. Examining a sample revision d. Editing the revised draft e. Preparing and proofreading the final draft f. Examining a final draft Sample essay g. Giving and receiving comments h. Preparing a writing portfolio 4. Writing and Revising Paragraphs a. Maintaining paragraph unity b. Achieving paragraph coherence c. Developing the paragraph d. Writing special kinds of paragraphs e. Linking paragraphs in the essay 5. Designing Documents a. Designing academic papers and other documents b. Considering principles of design c. Using the elements of design d. Using illustrations e. Considering readers with disabilities II. READING AND WRITING IN COLLEGE 6. Writing in Academic Situations a. Becoming an academic writer b. Analyzing audience c. Determining purpose d. Choosing structure and content e. Using academic language 7. Studying Effectively and Taking Exams a. Managing your time b. Listening and taking notes in class c. Reading for comprehension d. Preparing for and taking exams Sample essay exams 8. Forming a Critical Perspective a. Thinking and reading critically b. Viewing images critically c. Writing critically Sample critique of a text Sample critique of an image 9. Reading Arguments Critically a. Recognizing the elements of argument b. Testing claims c. Weighing evidence d. Discovering assumptions e. Watching language, hearing tone f. Judging reasonableness g. Recognizing fallacies 10. Writing an Argument a. Finding a subject b. Conceiving a thesis statement c. Analyzing your purpose and your audience d. Using reason e. Using evidence f. Reaching your readers g. Organizing your argument h. Revising your argument i. Examining a sample argument 11. Reading and Using Visual Arguments a. Reading visual arguments critically b. Using visual arguments effectively III. GRAMMATICAL SENTENCES 12. Understanding Sentence Grammar a. Understanding the basic sentence b. Expanding the basic sentence with single words c. Expanding the basic sentence with word groups d. Compounding words, phrases, and clauses e. Changing the usual order of the sentence f. Classifying sentences 13. Case of Nouns and Pronouns a. Compound subjects and complements b. Compound objects c. We or us with a noun d. Appositives e. Pronoun after than or as in a comparison f. Subjects and objects of infinitives g. Who vs. whom h. Case before a gerund 14. Verbs Verb Forms a. Regular and irregular verbs b. Sit and set; lie and lay; rise and raise c. Omitted 뾱 and 뾢d endings d. Helping verbs e. Verb plus gerund or infinitive f. Verb plus particle Tense g. Appropriate tense for meaning h. Sequence of tenses Mood i. Subjunctive verb forms Voice j. Active vs. passive voice 15. Agreement a. Agreement between subject and verb b. Agreement between pronoun and antecedent 16. Adjectives and Adverbs a. Adjectives only with nouns and pronouns b. Adjectives with linking verbs c. Adjectives with objects; adverbs with verbs d. Comparative and superlative forms e. Double negatives f. Overuse of nouns as modifiers g. Present and past participles as adjectives h. A, an, the, and other determiners IV. CLEAR SENTENCES 17. Sentence Fragments a. Tests for sentence completeness; revision of fragments b. Subordinate clause c. Verbal or prepositional phrase d. Other fragments e. Acceptable uses of incomplete sentences 18. Comma Splices and Fused Sentences Comma Splices a. Main clauses not joined by coordinating conjunction b. Main clauses related by a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression Fused Sentences c. Main clauses with no conjunction or punctuation 19. Pronoun Reference a. Clear reference to one antecedent b. Clear placement of pronoun and antecedent c. Reference to specific antecedent d. Indefinite use of it and they e. Indefinite use of you f. Clear use of it g. Appropriate use of relative pronouns 20. Shifts a. Person and number b. Tense and mood c. Subject and voice d. Indirect and direct quotations and questions 21. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers Misplaced Modifiers a. Clear placement of modifiers b. Limiting modifiers c. Squinting modifiers d. Separation of subjects, verbs, and objects e. Separation of parts of infinitives or verb phrases f. Position of adverbs g. Order of adjectives Dangling modifiers h. Dangling modifiers 22. Mixed and Incomplete Sentences Mixed Sentences a. Mixed grammar b. Mixed meaning (faulty predication) Incomplete Sentences c. Compound constructions d. Comparisons e. Careless omissions V. EFFECTIVE SENTENCES 23. Emphasizing Ideas a. Using subjects and verbs effectively b. Using sentence beginnings and endings c. Arranging parallel elements effectively d. Repeating ideas e. Separating ideas f. Being concise 24. Using Coordination and Subordination a. Coordinaing to relate equal ideas b. Subordinating to distinguish main ideas c. Choosing clear connectors 25. Using Parallelism a. Using parallelism for coordinate elements b. Using parallelism to increase coherence 26. Achieving Variety a. Varying sentence length and structure b. Varying sentence beginnings c. Inverting the normal word order d. Mixing types of sentences VI. PUNCTUATION Chart 27. End Punctuation a. The period b. The question mark c. The exclamation point 28. The Comma a. Main clauses linked by coordinating conjunction b. Introductory elements c. Nonessential elements d. Absolute phrases e. Phrases expressing contrast f. Series and coordinate adjectives g. Dates, addresses, place names, long numbers h. With quotations i. To prevent misreading j. Misuse and overuse 29. The Semicolon a. Main clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction b. Main clauses related by a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression c. Long or internally punctuated main clauses d. Long or internally punctuated series items e. Misuse and overuse 30. The Apostrophe a. Posessive case b. Misuse with noun plurals, verbs, and personal pronouns c. Contractions d. Plurals of abbreviations, dates, and words or characters named as words 31. Quotation Marks Chart a. Direct quotations b. Quotation within a quotation c. Dialog d. Titles of songs, short stories, and so on e. Words used in a special sense f. Overuse g. Placement with other quotation marks 32. Other Punctuation Marks a. The colon b. The dash c. Parentheses d. Brackets e. The ellipsis mark f. The slash VII. MECHANICS 33. Capitals a. First word of a sentence b. Titles of works c. Pronoun I and interjection O d. Proper nouns and adjectives e. Titles before proper names f. Misuses of capitals 34. Underlining or Italics a. Underlining vs. italics b. Titles of books and periodicals c. Names of ships, aircraft, spacecraft, trains d. Foreign words and phrases e. Words, letters, and numbers named as words f. For emphasis g. In online communication 35. Abbreviations a. Titles before and after proper names b. Familiar abbreviations and acronyms c. BC, AD, AM, PM, no., and $ d. Latin abbreviations e. Inc., Bros., Co., and & f. Misuse with units of measurement, geographical names, and so on 36. Numbers a. Numerals vs. words b. For dates, addresses, and so on c. Beginning sentences VIII. EFFECTIVE WORDS 37. Using Appropriate Language a. Revising nonstandard dialect b. Using regionalisms only when appropriate c. Using slang only when appropriate d. Using colloquial language only when appropriate e. Revising neologisms f. Using technical words with care g. Revising indirect or pretentious writing h. Revising sexist and other biased language 38. Using Exact Language a. Using the right word for your meaning b. Balancing the abstract and concrete, the general and specific c. Using idioms d. Using figurative language e. Using fresh expressions 39. Writing Concisely a. Focusing on subject and verb b. Cutting or shortening empty words and phrases c. Cutting unnecessary repetition d. Reducing clauses to phrases, phrases to single words e. Eliminating there is and it is constructions f. Combining sentences g. Rewriting jargon 40. Using Dictionaries a. Choosing a dictionary b. Working with a dictionary뭩 contents 41. Spelling and the Hyphen a. Recognizing typical spelling problems b. Following spelling rules c. Developing spelling skills d. Using the hyphen to form or divide words IX. RESEARCH WRITING 42. Planning a Research Project a. Starting out b. Finding a researchable subject and question c. Developing a research strategy d. Making a working, annotated bibliography 43. Finding Sources a. Searching electronically b. Finding reference works c. Finding books d. Finding periodicals e. Finding sources on the Web f. Finding other online sources g. Finding government publications h. Finding images i. Generating your own sources 44. Working with Sources a. Evaluating sources b. Synthesizing sources c. Mining and interacting with sources d. Using summary, paraphrase, and quotation e. Integrating sources into your text 45. Avoiding Plagiarism and Documenting Sources a. Committing and detecting plagiarism on the Internet b. Knowing what you need not acknowledge c. Knowing what you must acknowledge d. Using and acknowledging online sources e. Documenting sources 46. Writing the Paper a. Developing a thesis statement b. Creating a structure c. Drafting the paper d. Revising and editing the paper e. Preparing and proofreading the final draft 47. Using MLA Documentation and Format a. Using MLA in-text citations b. Preparing the MLA list of works cited c. Understanding abbreviations d. Using MLA document format 48. Two Research Papers in MLA Style 밅losing the Digital Divide? 밃nnie Dillard뭩 Healing Vision? X. WRITING IN THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES 49. Working with the Goals and Requirements of the Disciplines a. Using methods and evidence b. Understanding writing assignments c. Using tools and language 000 d. Following styles for source citations and document format 50. Reading and Writing About Literature a. Using the methods and evidence of literary analysis b. Understanding writing assignments in literature c. Using the tools and language of literary analysis d. Citing sources and formatting documents in writing about literature e. Drafting and revising a literary analysis Sample analysis of a short story f. Writing about fiction, poetry, and drama Sample analaysis of a poem Sample analysis of a play 51. Writing in Other Humanities a. Using the methods and evidence of the humanities b. Understanding writing assignments in the humanities c. Using the tools and language of the humanities d. Citing sources in Chicago style e. Formatting documents in Chicago style 52. Writing in the Social Sciences a. Using the methods and evidence of the social sciences b. Understanding writing assignments in the social sciences c. Using the tools and language of the social sciences d. Citing sources in APA style e. Formatting documents in APA style f. Examining a sample social science paper 53. Writing in the Natural and Applied Sciences a. Using the methods and evidence of the sciences b. Understanding writing assignments in the sciences c. Using the tools and language of the sciences d. Citing sources in CSE style e. Formatting documents in CSE style f. Examining a sample science paper XI. SPECIAL WRITING SITUATIONS 54. Writing Online a. Writing effective electronic mail b. Collaborating online c. Creating effective Web compositions 55. Public Writing a. Writing business letters and memos Sample letter and memo b. Writing a job application Sample letter and r?um? b. Writing reports and proposals Sample report and proposal c. Writing for community work Sample flyer, newsletter, and brochure 56. Oral Presentations a. Writing and speaking b. Considering purpose and audience c. Organizing the presentation d. Delivering the presentation Glossary of Usage Glossary of Terms Index
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  • The Little, Brown Handbook