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John Keats, A Longman Cultural Edition (2006) 요약정보 및 구매

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지은이 John Keats
발행년도 2006-12-13
페이지 656
ISBN 9780321236166
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • John Keats, A Longman Cultural Edition (2006)


  • From Longman's Cultural Editions series, John Keats, edited by Susan J. Wolfson, is the first edition organized to give a sense of the poet’s thinking by interspersing letters, poems, and publications of reviews and contemporary works. This is a new event in editions of Keats, arranged not in the usual way of separating these writings, but rather by positioning them alongside the author's poems in order of composition or appearance in print, for a more holistic understanding of Keats’s work.  Editor Susan Wolfson has taken care that all poems and letters have been freshly edited from their sources, and the manuscripts reflect scriptive elements such as cross-outs and underlines.  This edition also includes some unusual contextual writings, including newspaper reviews of Keats's publications.
  • About Longman Cultural Editions About this Volume Texts, acknowledgments Abbreviations List of Illustrations Keats / cover Frank Dicksee, La Belle Dame cover or frontispiece: (Charles Brown’s charcoal sketch) Title page of Poems (1817) Ms of letter to Reynolds, 19 February 1818 Title page of Endymion (1818) Ms of a stanza of Ode on Melancholy Title page of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820) Introduction Table of Dates POEMS, LETTERS, §CONTEXTUAL SUPPLEMENTS From The Examiner 5 May 1816: To Solitude Letters to Benjamin Robert Haydon, 20 and 21 November 1816 From The Examiner, 1 December 1816: Leigh Hunt, “Young Poets” (On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer) § Pope’s Homer / Chapman’s Homer From The Examiner 23 February 1817: “After dark vapours” From Poems (1817) Dedication. To Leigh Hunt, Esq. “I stood tip-toe” § Wordsworth on the origin of mythology, The Excursion, Book IV Imitation of Spenser Sonnets I: To My Brother George II: To *** (“Had I a man’s fair form”) III. Written on the day that Mr. Leigh Hunt left prison IV. “How many Bards . . .” V. To a Friend who Sent me some Roses VIII. To My Brothers IX. “Keen, fitful gusts” X. “To one who has been long in city pent” XIII. Addressed to Haydon (“Highmindedness, a jealousy for good”) XIV. Addressed to the Same (“Great spirits”) XV. On the Grasshopper and the Cricket §Leigh Hunt, To the Grasshopper and the Cricket XVII. “Happy is England!” Sleep and Poetry From The Examiner, 9 March 1817: To Haydon, with a sonnet written on seeing the Elgin Marbles Letter to John Hamilton Reynolds, 17-18 April 1817 Letter to Leigh Hunt, 10 May 1817 Letter to B.R. Haydon, 10-11 May 1817 Letter to John Taylor & James Augustus Hessey, 16 May 1817 From The Champion 17 August 1817: On the Sea Letter to J.H. Reynolds, 21 September 1817 Letter to B. Bailey, 8 October 1817 § Hunt attacked in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (October 1817) Letters to B. Bailey, 3 and 22 November 1817 To J.H. Reynolds 22 November 1817 From The Champion, 13 December 1817: Dramatic Review: Mr. Kean Letter to George and Tom Keats, 21 & ?27 December, 1817 Further poetry, written in 1816-1817, published posthumously “In a drear-nighted December (The Gem, 1830) “O Chatterton!” (1848) “Byron!” (1848) Ode to Apollo (1848) Written in disgust of Vulgar Superstition (Poetic Works, 1876) “Fill for me a brimming bowl” (Notes and Queries, 1905) On Peace (Notes and Queries, 1905) Lines Written on the Anniversary of Charles’s Restoration (Amy Lowell, John Keats [1925]) Letter to B. R. Haydon, 23 January 1818 Letter to B. Bailey, 23 January 1818 Letter to G&T Keats 23 & 24 January 1818;On Sitting down to Read King Lear Once Again Letter to J. Taylor, 30 January 1818 Letter to J.H. Reynolds, 31 January 1818;“O blush not so,” “Hence burgundy,” “God of the Meridian,” “When I have fears,” § Robin Hood Sonnets by J. H. Reynolds Letter to J.H. Reynolds, 3 February 1818; “ answer to his Robin Hood Sonnets” § Sonnet-contest: Keats To the Nile; Hunt, The Nile; Shelley, To the Nile Letter to J.H. Reynolds, 19 February 1818; “O thou whose face hath felt the winter’s wind” Letter to J. Taylor, 27 February 1818 Letter to B. Bailey, 13 March 1818 The first preface for Endymion, with title page and dedication Letter and verse epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds, 25 March 1818 Letter to B.R. Haydon, 8 April 1818 Letter to J.H. Reynolds, 9 April 1818 Letter to J. Taylor, 24 April 1818 Letter to J.H. Reynolds, 27 April 1818 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, 3 May 1818, with “Mother of Hermes!” Further Poetry written January-April 1818, posthumously published Sonnet to a Cat (Comic Annual 1830) To-- (Time’s Sea) (1848) § J. H. Reynolds, Sonnet “Blue!” (1848) § Oscar Wilde, letter to Emma Speed, 21 March 1882, with Keats’s Grave From Endymion (1818) Title-page, dedication, Preface from Book I Keats’s aspirations, opening scene (1-106) Endymion’s malady (163-84; 392-406, 453-88, 505-15) Endymion’s self-defense (520-857; “Pleasure Thermometer”) Endymion’s melancholy (970-92) from Book II Keats’s invocation, Endymion’s restlessness (1-68) Endymion in the underworld; the Bower of Adonis (376-529) Venus’s assurances (573-93) Endymion’s blissful dream of Cynthia (730-61) from Book III Keats’s invocation and attack on worldly monarchs (1-72) Glaucus’s tale of his love quest and Circe’s Bower (372-638) from Book IV Keats’s invocation, Endymion finds an Indian Maid (20-66) Endymion’s rapture with this maid (84-119, 293-313) Endymion’s dream of his Moon Goddess; the Cave of Quietude (497-554) Endymion gives up, happy conclusion (961-end). Letter to B. Bailey, 21 & 25 May 1818 Letter to B. Bailey, 10 June 1818 Letter to Fanny Keats, 3 July 1818, with “There was a naughty boy” Letter to B. Bailey 18 & 22 July 1818 § “The Cockney School of Poetry, No. 4.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, August 1818 Letter to Charles Wentworth Dilke, 20-21 September 1818 Letter to J. H. Reynolds 22(?) September 1818 § Pierre de Ronsard, Les Amours de Cassandre, Sonet II Keats’s “free translation” of Ronsard § Article on Endymion, Quarterly Review XIX (c. 27 September) Letter to James Hessey, 8 October 1818 Letter to George & Georgiana Keats, 14- 31 October 1818 Letter to Richard Woodhouse, 27 October 1818 § Oscar Wilde’s defense of Dorian Gray, 12 July 1890 Sonnet to Ailsa Rock (Literary Pocket Book, 1819 [pub. late 1818]) Further poetry written in 1818, posthumously published § from “Mountain Scenery,” New Monthly Magazine, 1822 Lines written in the Scotch Highlands (Examiner, 1822) On Visiting the Tomb of Burns (1848) “This mortal body” (1848) “Sonnet I wrote on the top of Ben Nevis” (1848) Fragment (“Where is the Poet?”) (1848) Modern Love (1848) Annotations on Paradise Lost Letter to G. & G. Keats, 14 February-3 May 1819;“Why did I laugh tonight?”, “As Hermes once” (on a dream of Dante’s Paolo and Francesca), La Belle Dame sans Merci, two sonnets on “Fame,” “To Sleep,” “If by dull rhymes” Letters to Miss Jeffery 31 May and 9 June 1819 Letters to Fanny Brawne, 1, 8, 15, 25 July 1819 Letter to B. Bailey, 14 August 1819 Letter to J. Taylor, 23 August 1819 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, 24 August and 21 September 1819 Letter to R. Woodhouse, 21-22 September 1819 Letter to C. W. Dilke, 22 September 1819 Letter to Charles Brown, 23 September 1819 Letter to G. (& Ga) Keats, 17-27 September 1819; “Pensive they sit.” Letters to F. Brawne, 13 and 19 October 1819 “The day is gone” Letter to J. Taylor, 17 November 1819 Posthumously published poetry from 1819 To--- (“What can I do . . .?”) (1848) Ode on Indolence (1848) To---- (“I cry your mercy”) (1848) “This living hand” (H. B. Forman, Poetical Works 1898) Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820) Advertisement Lamia Isabella; or, The Pot of Basil, a Story from Boccaccio § The story of Isabella in The Decameron Eve of St. Agnes § Canceled stanzas Ode to a Nightingale Ode on a Grecian urn Ode to Psyche Fancy § “Fancy” in Paradise Lost To Autumn Ode on Melancholy § The cancelled first stanza Hyperion. A Fragment The Fall of Hyperion Letter to Georgiana Keats, 13-28 January 1820 Letter to F. Brawne, ?February 1820 To Fanny (1848) La Belle Dame sans Mercy (Indicator May 1820) Letter to F. Brawne, before 12 August, 1820 § Letter from Percy Bysshe Shelley, 27 July 1820 Letter to P. B. Shelley, 16 August 1820 § from The Indicator, 20 September 1820: Leigh Hunt’s Farewell to Keats Letter to Ch. Brown, 30 September 1820 Keats’s Last Sonnet (“Bright star”) (1848) Last letters, to Ch. Brown, November 1820 (1848) Glossary of Mythological and Literary References Contemporary References Further Reading and Browsing Index of titles, first lines, key topics
  • Susan J. Wolfson is professor of English at Princeton University. In addition to this present volume, her editorial work includes  Felicia Hemans (Princeton UP, 2000) and the Longman Cultural Edition of Frankenstein.  With Claudia Johnson, she is coeditor of the Longman Cultural Edition of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. With Peter Manning, she is coeditor of the Romantics volume in The Longman Anthology of British Literature, and Selected Poems of Lord Byron (Penguin, 2005).  Her critical books include the prize-winning Formal Charges: The Shaping of Poetry in British Romanticism (Stanford UP, 1997) and Borderlines: The Shiftings of Gender in British Romanticism (Stanford UP, 2007).
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  • John Keats, A Longman Cultural Edition (2006)