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King Lear, A Longman Cultural Edition (2004) 요약정보 및 구매

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지은이 William Shakespeare
발행년도 2004-08-03
판수 A Longman Cultural Ed edition판
페이지 288
ISBN 9780321107220
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • King Lear, A Longman Cultural Edition (2004)


  • From Longman's new Cultural Editions Series, King Lear, edited by Claire McEachern, presents the play along with a critical introduction and contextual materials from the era of Shakespeare. Handsomely produced and affordably priced, the Longman Cultural Editions,D> series presents King Lear in provocative and illuminating contexts-cultural, critical, and literary. This edition incorporates contemporary contexts that include source documents, intellectual and textual history as well as receptions of and reactions to the play from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. Readers interested in Shakespeare's play King Lear.
  • List of Illustrations vii About Longman Cultural Editions ix About This Edition xi Introduction xiv Table of Dates xxii King Lear 1 The Texts of King Lear 134 Contexts 139 Shakespeare's Narrative and Dramatic Sources 141 RAPHAEL HOLINSHED, from The Second Booke of the Historie of England?in The First and Second Volumes of Chronicles (1587) 144 From The True Chronicle History of King Leir and his three daughters . . . As it hath beene divers and sundry times lately acted (1605) 147 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY, from The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia (1590) 154 The State 158 From An Exhortation Concerning Good Order and Obedience to Rulers and Magistrates (1570) 160 CHARLES MERBURY, from A Brief Discourse of Royal Monarchie, as of the Best Common Weale (1581) 162 SIR THOMAS SMITH, from De Republica Anglorum (1583) 163 JAMES VI OF SCOTLAND, from The Trew Law of Free Monarchies (1599) 164 JAMES I OF ENGLAND, from A Speech [. . .] delivered in the Upper House of Parliament on Monday the 19 March 1604, being the first day of the First Parliament 167 THOMAS SACKVILLE AND THOMAS NORTON, from Gorbuduc (1562) 169 SAMUEL HARSNETT, from A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures (1603) 173 The Household 176 MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE, from If the Affection of Fathers for Their Children?from The Essays (London, 1603) 179 WILLIAM GOUGE, from Of Domesticall Duties (1622) 184 JOSEPH SWETNAM, from The Arraignment of Lewde, Idle, Forward, and Unconstant Women (1615) 191 JANE ANGER, from Her Protection for Women (1589) 193 Fools and Folly 194 ERASMUS, from A Letter to Martin Dorp (1515) 195 ROBERT ARMIN, from Foole upon Foole (1600) 196 WILLIAM HARRISON, from If the Ancient Religion Used in Albion?(1587) 201 JEAN CALVIN, from Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) 205 RICHARD HOOKER, from Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (1593) 209 THOMAS HOBBES, from Leviathan (1651) 215 ST. AUGUSTINE, from The City of God, Book XIX (c. 413?27) 218 Early Readings and Rewritings 220 NAHUM TATE, from The History of King Lear (1681) 222 LEWIS THEOBALD, from The Censor (1715) 230 SAMUEL JOHNSON, from Notes on King Learn in The Plays of William Shakespeare (London, 1765) 233 GEORGE COLMAN, from the Preface to The History of King Lear (1768) 236 CHARLES LAMB, from On the Tragedies of Shakespeare, considered with reference to their fitness for stage representation?(1810) 238 CHARLES LAMB, from King Learn in Tales from Shakespeare (1807) 241 WILLIAM HAZLITT, from The Characters of Shakespear's Plays (1818) 247 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE, from Lectures on Shakespeare (1818) 251 JOHN KEATS, On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again?(1818) 254 A. C. BRADLEY, from Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth (1904) 255 Adaptations of King Lear 259 Further Reading 261
  • Claire McEachern is Professor of English at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her other editions of Shakespeare include the Arden 3 edition ofMuch Ado About Nothing (2006);1&2 Henry IV,Henry V,King John andAll's Well that Ends Well (Pelican, 2001). She is also the author or editor of theCambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy (CUP, 2004);Religion and Culture in the English Renaissance (CUP, 1997), and The Poetics of English Nationhood, 1590-1612 (CUP, 2006).
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  • King Lear, A Longman Cultural Edition (2004)