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The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats(2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Marjorie Howes
발행년도 2006-05-25
판수 1판
페이지 262
ISBN 9780521658867
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 28,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats(2006)


  • This accessible and thought-provoking Companion is designed to help students experience the pleasures and challenges offered by one of the twentieth century's greatest poets. A team of international contributors examine Yeats's poetry, drama and prose in their historical and national contexts. The essays explain and synthesise major aspects and themes of his life and work: his lifelong engagement with Ireland, his complicated relationship to the English literary tradition, his literary, social, and political criticism and the evolution of his complex spiritual and religious sense. First-time readers of Yeats as well as more advanced scholars will welcome this comprehensive account of Yeats's career with its useful chronological outline and survey of the most important current trends in Yeats scholarship. Taken as a whole, this Companion comprises an essential introduction for students and teachers of Yeats.
  • Chronology 1. Introduction Marjorie Howes 2. Yeats and Romanticism George Bornstein 3. Yeats, Victorianism and the 1890s George Watson 4. Yeats and Modernism Daniel Albright 5. The later poetry Helen Vendler 6. Yeats and the drama Bernard O'Donoghue 7. Yeats and criticism Declan Kiberd 8. Yeats, folklore and Irish legend James Pethica 9. Yeats and the occult Margaret Mills Harper 10. Yeats and gender Elizabeth Butler Cullingford 11. Yeats and politics Jonathan Allison 12. Yeats and the postcolonial Marjorie Howes Guide to further reading.
  • Marjorie Howes is Associate Professor of English and Irish Studies at Boston College. John Kelly is Professor of English at Oxford University.
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선택된 옵션

  • The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats(2006)