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Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time (2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 W. Dimock
발행년도 2006-10-22
판수 1판
페이지 264
ISBN 9780691114491
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time (2006)


  • "What we call American literature is quite often a shorthand, a simplified name for an extended tangle of relations." This is the argument of Through Other Continents, Wai Chee Dimock's sustained effort to read American literature as a subset of world literature. Inspired by an unorthodox archive--ranging from epic traditions in Akkadian and Sanskrit to folk art, paintings by Veronese and Tiepolo, and the music of the Grateful Dead--Dimock constructs a long history of the world, a history she calls "deep time." The civilizations of Mesopotamia, India, Egypt, China, and West Africa, as well as Europe, leave their mark on American literature, which looks dramatically different when it is removed from a strictly national or English-language context. Key authors such as Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, Gary Snyder, Leslie Silko, Gloria Naylor, and Gerald Vizenor are transformed in this light. Emerson emerges as a translator of Islamic culture; Henry James's novels become long-distance kin to Gilgamesh; and Black English loses its ungrammaticalness when reclassified as a creole tongue, meshing the input from Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Throughout, Dimock invokes the duration and extension of the planet as her coordinates, arguing that American literature is answerable not to the nation-state, but to the human species as a whole.
  • List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Introduction Planet as duration and extension Chapter One Global civil society: Thoreau on three continents Chapter Two World religions: Emerson, Hafiz, Christianity, Islam Chapter Three The planetary dead: Margaret fuller, ancient egypt, italian revolustion Chapter Four Genre as world system: Epic, novel, henry james Chapter Five Transnational beauty: Aesthetics and treasonm kant and pound Chapter Six Nonstandard time: Robert lowell, latin translations, vietnam war Chapter Seven African, Caribbean, American: Black english as creole tongue Chapter Eight Ecology across the pacific: Coyote in sanskrit, monkey in chinese notes index
  • Wai Chee Dimock is William Lampson Professor of English and American Studies at Yale University. She is the author of "Empire for Liberty: Melville and the Poetics of Individualism" (Princeton) and "Residues of Justice: Literature, Law, Philosophy".
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  • Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time (2006)