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Introducing Sociolinguistics(2011) 요약정보 및 구매

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Miriam Meyerhoff
발행년도 2011-02-03
판수 2판
페이지 368
ISBN 9780415550062
도서상태 품절
판매가격 41,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.



  • This second edition of Miriam Meyerhoff's highly successful textbook is supported by the Routledge Sociolinguistics Reader and online resources common to both books. It provides a solid, up-to-date appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of the field covering foundation issues, recent advances and current debates. It presents familiar or classic data in new ways, and supplements the familiar with fresh examples from a wide range of languages and social settings. It clearly explains the patterns and systems that underlie language variation in use, as well as the ways in which alternations between different language varieties index personal style, social power and national identity. New features of the second edition: a wider range of approaches to politeness theory incorporating an international range of research expanded sections on multi-lingualism and code-switching, social class, dialect contact and tracking change over time  linkage to the new Routledge Sociolinguistics Reader which can be used alongside this textbook, allowing students to supplement and build on material covered in the textbook. a shared website serving both Reader and Textbook which includes web- and video-links, interactive exercises and an expanded online glossary at: www.routledge.com/textbooks/meyerhoff a refreshed text design to assist navigation through textbook and reader. Each chapter includes exercises that enable readers to engage critically with the text, break-out boxes making connections between sociolinguistics and linguistic or social theory, and brief, lively add-ons guaranteed to make the book a memorable and enjoyable read. With a full glossary of terms and suggestions for further reading, this text gives students all the tools they need for an excellent command of sociolinguistics.

  • List of Tables.  

    List of Figures.  

    List of Sounds and Symbols.  


    1. Introduction to Using this Book  

    2. Introducing and Understanding Sociolinguistics  

    3. Variation and Style  

    4. Language Attitudes  

    5. Being Polite as a Variable in Speech  

    6. Multilingualism and Language Choice  

    7. Real Time and Apparent Time  

    8. Social Class  

    9. Social Networks and Communities of Practice  

    10. Gender  

    11. Language Contact  

    12. Looking Back and Looking Ahead.  

    Notes on the Exercises.  




  • Miriam Meyerhoff has taught sociolinguistics in places as diverse as New Zealand, Hawai'i, the mainland United States, Vanuatu and Scotland. She has consulted on sociolinguistic issues for the print and broadcast media and published books and articles on language variation, language and gender, and language contact. She is currently Professor of Sociolinguistics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

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