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Nobel Lectures in Literature 1991-1995(1997) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Allen
발행년도 1997-05-01
판수 1판
페이지 98
ISBN 9789810227203
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Nobel Lectures in Literature 1991-1995(1997)


  • For generations, critics have noticed in nineteenth-century American women's sentimentality a streak of masochism, but their discussions of it have over-simplified its complex relationship to women's power. Marianne Noble argues that tropes of eroticized domination in sentimental literature must be recognized for what they were: a double-edged sword of both oppression and empowerment. She begins by exploring the cultural forces that came together to create this ideology of desire, particularly Protestant discourses relating suffering to love and middle-class discourses of "true womanhood." She goes on to demonstrate how sentimental literature takes advantage of the expressive power in the convergence of these two discourses to imagine women's romantic desire. Therefore, in sentimental literature, images of eroticized domination are not antithetical to female pleasure but rather can be constitutive of it. The book, however, does not simply celebrate that fact. In readings of Warner's The Wide Wide World, Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Dickinson's sentimental poetry, it addresses the complex benefits and costs of nineteenth-century women's literary masochism. Ultimately it shows how these authors both exploited and were shaped by this discursive practice. The Masochistic Pleasures of Sentimental Literature exemplifies new trends in "Third Wave" feminist scholarship, presenting cultural and historical research informed by clear, lucid discussions of psychoanalytic and literary theory. It demonstrates that contemporary theories of masochism--including those of Deleuze, Bataille, Kristeva, Benjamin, Bersani, Noyes, Mansfield--are more relevant and comprehensible when considered in relation to sentimental literature.
  • Acknowledgments vii Introduction "Weird Curves": Masochism and Feminism 3 One Masochistic Discourses of Womanhood 26 Two Sentimental Masochism 61 Tbe Parallel Structures of Sentimentalism and Masochism 62 "The Lineaments of the Divine Master" 85 Three "An Ecstasy of Apprehension": The Erotics, of Domination in The Wide, Wide World 94 The Making of a Masochist 96 Horsewhipping and the Exploration of Desire 113 Four The Ecstasies of Sentimental Wounding in Uncle Tom's Cabin 126 The Epistemology of Wounds 128 A Raging, Burning Storm of Feeling 136 Five The Revenge of Cato's Daughter: Emily Dickinson's Uses of Sentimental Masochism 147 The Power of Sentimental Masochism 157 The Erotics of Sentimental Masochism 164 The Presence of Sentimental Masochism 174 Conclusion The Possibility of Masochism 190 Notes 199 Works Cited 235 Index 251
  • Marianne Noble is Associate Professor of Literature at American University, where she teaches nineteenth-century American literature and introductory courses in literary theory and creative writing. She has published widely in numerous journals.
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  • Nobel Lectures in Literature 1991-1995(1997)