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Theatre, Body and Pleasure(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Shepherd
발행년도 2005-11-15
판수 1판
페이지 198
ISBN 9780415253758
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 38,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Theatre, Body and Pleasure(2005)


  • Drama is a medium in which one group of bodies watches another group of bodies. The theatre is a place which exhibits what a human body is, what it does, what it is capable of. It requires special things of bodies, putting pressure on its audience as well as its performers. It creates and manipulates pleasure in relation to bodies. Part theatre history, part dramatic criticism, part theoretical tour de force, the central argument in Theatre, Body and Pleasure is that theatre is where society negotiates around bodily value and bodily meaning. It will therefore appeal to those with interests not only in theatre but also in wider questions about society, culture and pleasure. This unique and powerful study features · a large historical range, from medieval to postmodern · case studies offering close readings of written texts · examples of how to "read for the body," exploring written text as a "discipline" of the body · a breadth of cultural reference, from stage plays through to dance culture · a range of theoretical approaches, including dance analysis and phenomenology. Simon Shepherd explores the interplay of bodily value, the art of bodies and the physical responses to that art. He explains first how the body makes meaning and carries value, and describes the relationship between time, space and body. From here he looks at bodies that go beyond their apparent limits, becoming excessive, tangling with objects, dissolving into their surroundings. 
  • Part 1: Body and Script 1. Script as a Discipline of the Body 2. Theatre and Bodily Value 3. The Wrong Dog: An account of significant inaction Part 2: In Time and Space 4. Just at That Very Moment 5. Look Out Behind You Part 3: Beyond Integrity 6. Strutting, Bellowing, Muscles and Noise 7. Lolo's Breasts and a Wooden Christ 8. Dissipation Bibliography
  • Simon Shepherd is Director of Programmes at Central School of Speech and Drama, London. His research explores the relationships between cultural and performance theory and theatre history. Recent publications include essays on Joe Orton and modern British drama and politics, and, with Mick Wallis, Drama/Theatre/Performance.
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  • Theatre, Body and Pleasure(2005)