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Polymorphous Linguistics(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Mufwene-Francis-
발행년도 2005-05-13
판수 1 판
페이지 560
ISBN 9780262562096
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Polymorphous Linguistics(2005)


  • James McCawley (1938-1999) was one of the most significant linguists of the latter half of the twentieth century. His legacy to a generation of linguists encompasses not only his work in phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and the philosophy of language but also his emphasis on bridging research in linguistics with that in other disciplines, from anthropology and psychology to physics and biology. This book, written by his former students -- all now scholars in their own right -- pays tribute to McCawley by pursuing questions about language that engaged him during his career. The variety of perspectives in these essays reflects McCawley's eclecticism as well his belief that what is important in scholarly work is not the analytic framework used but the insights reached. The book considers topics in phonology; syntax, with several essays on Indic languages (in which McCawley had a special interest) as well as one on African-American English; tense, aspect, and mood; semantics and pragmatics, with essays in these areas grouped together to reflect the intertwining of McCawley's work on these subjects; knowledge of language; and the treatment of language, with its implicit colonial biases, in the 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica. 
  • Part I Phonology 25 1. Sequential Voicing and Lyman's Law in Old Japanese Timothy J. Vance 27 Part II Syntax 45 2. NP Gaps in Tamil: Syntactic versus Pragmatic E. Annamalai 47 3. V?ya, Prayoga, and Hindu Sentences without Grammatical Subjects Michael C. Shapiro 69 4. The Grammaticalization of Aspect in Tamil and Its Semantic Sources Harold F. Schiffman 83 5. Causation and Tense in Subordinate Clauses: Conjunctive Participles and Conditionals in Bangla and Hindi Tista Bagchi 109 6. Independence in Subordinate Clauses: Analysis of Nonrestrictive Relative Clauses in English and Japanese Etsuyo Yuasa 135 7. Syntactic Mimicry as Evidence for Prototypes in Grammar Elaine J. Francis 161 8. Gerundive Modifiers in English and Korean Geoffrey J. Huck 183 9. Multiple Mechanisms Underlying Morphological Productivity Yoko Sugioka 203 10. How Many Bes Are There in English? Salikoko S. Mufwene 225 Part III Tense, Aspect, and Mood 247 11. On McCawley on Tense Robert I. Binnick 249 12. On the Fuzzy Boundary between Tense and Aspect in Japanese Wesley M. Jacobsen 261 13. Counterfactuality in Burmese Lynn Nichols 283 14. Retrospective Mood in Korean: A Constraint-based Approach Suk-Jin Chang 295 Part IV Semantics and Pragmatics 327 15. An Un- paper for the Unsyntactician Laurence R. Horn 329 16. Semantic Noun Phrase Typology Donka F. Farkas 367 17. The Paradox of Mass Plurals Almerindo E. Ojeda 389 18. Everything that Linguists Have Always Wanted to Know about Ironic Presuppositions and Implicatures but Were Ashamed to Ask Katharine Beals 411 Part V Knowledge of Language 431 19. Deficits in Pronoun Interpretation: Clues to a Theory of Competence and Acquisition William O'Grady 433 20. Why Verb Agreement Is Not the Poster Child for Any General Form Principle Jerry L. Morgan and Georgia M. Green 455 21. A Cognitively Plausible Model of Linguistic Intuition Barbara J. Luka 479 Part VI Encyclopedia and Language 503 22. Language and Languages in the Eleventh Britannica Peter T. Daniels 505 Abbreviations 531 Contributors 537
  • Salikoko S. Mufwene is the Frank J. McLoraine Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics and the College at the University of Chicago. Elaine J. Francis is Assistant Professor in the Department of English and affiliated with the Linguistics Program at Purdue University. Rebecca S. Wheeler is Associate Professor of English and English Education at Christopher Newport University.
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  • Polymorphous Linguistics(2005)