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Reporting Technical Information(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Houp
발행년도 2005-08-25
판수 11판
페이지 614
ISBN 9780195178791
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 91,800원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Reporting Technical Information(2005)


  • BETTER WRITING AND SUCCESS AT WORK BEGIN IN YOUR CLASSROOM WITH REPORTING TECHNICAL INFORMATION, ELEVENTH EDITION, A CLASSIC TEXT WITH THOROUGHLY CONTEMPORARY CONTENT. One of the leading texts in technical writing, Reporting Technical Information introduces students to all aspects of effective professional communication, including letters, proposals, progress reports, recommendation reports, research reports, instructions, and oral reports. FEATURES OF THE ELEVENTH EDITION: * A fully integrated companion website--www.oup.com/us/houp--that offers: Additional practical resources for students: chapter overviews, sample writings, self-tests, "current topic" annotated links and additional resources, interactive tutorials, key terms and concepts, downloadable versions of important question checklists from the book, and a collaborative network (message board links and helpful WebCT and Blackboard content outlines) Resources for instructors: an Instructor's Manual and downloadable PowerPoint files for use as lecture aids (also available on CD), links to online resources including an outline of--and links to--available WebCT and Blackboard content, and writing assignments instructors have shared for "Better Writing--Success at Work" Three different types of icons throughout the book that direct students to the website for additional resources: sample documents, exercises, and further reading * New, broader approach that prepares students in a variety of science, health, business, engineering, and technical majors to develop the types of documents they will need to write in their prospective work environments * Strong focus on the rhetorical nature of writing, helping writers to understand their readers and the contexts in which their documents will be read and used, define their purpose in writing, and design documents using these issues as critical guidelines * Updated and additional coverage of current technology, including thoroughly revised chapters on document design and usability that take into account web-based documents and platforms * New opening scenarios for each chapter that demonstrate the impact of technical communication in the real world * New chapters on content management, versatility and creativity for reports, and using design and format to achieve clarity in documents * Increased coverage of ethics and international and global workplace issues * Many new example documents--more than half of the sample documents in the text are new--and more illustrative figures * More end-of-chapter exercises, including projects that encourage student interaction and collaboration, several of which are linked to an online component on the companion website Book Info Provides an overview of technical writing. Covers the basics, techniques, document design and applications. New edition explores the world of electronic communication. Includes an appendix on Technical reference books and guides. Paper. DLC: Technical writing. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 1.Foundations 2.Techniques 3.Applications
  • Thomas E. Pearsall is at University of Minnesota (Emeritus).
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  • Reporting Technical Information(2005)