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견본신청 문의
단체구매 문의
오탈자 문의

Symmetry, Causality, Mind 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Leyton
발행년도 1999-01-01
판수 1판
페이지 630
ISBN 9780262621311
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 63,650원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Symmetry, Causality, Mind


  • Michael Leyton's arguments about the nature of perception and cognition are fascinating, exciting, and sure to be controversial. In this investigation of the psychological relationship between shape and time, Leyton argues compellingly that shape is used by the mind to recover the past and as such it forms a basis for memory. He elaborates a system of rules by which the conversion to memory takes place and presents a number of detailed case studies - in perception, linguistics, art, and even political subjugation - that support these rules. Leyton observes that the mind assigns to any shape a causal history explaining how the shape was formed. We cannot help but perceive a deformed can as a dented can. Moreover, by reducing the study of shape to the study of symmetry, he shows that symmetry is crucial to our everyday cognitive processing. Symmetry is the means by which shape is converted into memory. Perception is usually regarded as the recovery of the spatial layout of the environment. Leyton, however, shows that perception is fundamentally the extraction of time from shape. In doing so, he is able to reduce the several areas of computational vision purely to symmetry principles. Examining grammar in linguistics, he argues that a sentence is psychologically represented as a piece of causal history, an archeological relic disinterred by the listener so that the sentence reveals the past. Again through a detailed analysis of art he shows that what the viewer takes to be the experience of a painting is in fact the extraction of time from the shapes of the painting. Finally he highlights crucial aspects of the mind's attempt to recover time in examples of political subjugation. Michael Leyton is a professor in the Psychology Department at Rutgers University. He is a recipient of the Presidential Young Investigatory Award for outstanding work in cognitive science.
  • Recovering Process-History 1.1 Seeing Objects as History 1.2 The Process-Recovery Problem 1.3 Process Directionality 1.4 The Fundamental Proposals 1.5 Conforming to the Uni-Directionality Requirement 1.6 Atemporal-Temporal Duality 1.7 The Second System Principle 1.8 Uni-Directionality and the Second System Principle 1.9 Curvature and Process 1.10 Symmetry in Complex Shape 1.11 Symmetry-Curvature Duality 1.12 Process Direction 1.13 From Curvature Extrema to History 1.14 Application 1.15 Partitioning into Asymmetry and Symmetry 1.16 The Asymmetry in Curvature Variation 1.17 The Generality of Processes 1.18 Transversality or Symmetry-Curvature Duality? 1.19 History from Non-Smooth Curves 1.20 Goodness 1.21 Summary Traces 2.1 Recovery from Several States 2.2 Internal Structure 2.3 Environmental Validity 2.4 Trace Structure 2.5 The Symmetry-to-Trace Conversion Principle 2.6 The Externalization Principle 2.7 Prototypes 2.8 Intervening History 2.9 Continuations 2.10 Bifurcations 2.11 The Complete Grammar 2.12 The Process Stratification of Shape-Space 2.13 Application of the Grammar 2.14 History Minimization 2.15 Two Asymmetries? 2.16 Energy and Causal Interactions 2.17 Energy as Memory 2.18 Shape and Energy 2.19 The Energy Correlates of External and Internal Inference 2.20 Inferring Temporal Order 2.21 Temporal Order in Inference from a Single Shape 2.22 Temporal Order in Intervening History 2.23 Summary Radical Computational Vision 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Standard Computational Vision 3.3 Radical Computational Vision 3.4 Layers of Memory 3.5 What is the Present Environment? 3.6 Three Crucial Layers of Asymmetry 3.7 The Radical Computational Vision Thesis 3.8 Shape-from-Shading 3.8.1 Image-Formation 3.8.2 Orientation and Brightness 3.8.3 Shading as Symmetry-Breaking 3.8.4 Further History from Shading 3.9 Shape-from-Texture 3.9.1 Projective Asymmetrization 3.9.2 Compression 3.9.3 Scaling 3.9.4 The Total Asymmetry 3.9.5 Texture and Uniformity 3.9.6 Shape-from-Texture as the Recovery of Time 3.9.7 How Many Uniformity Assumptions? 3.9.8 Asymmetry in the Environmental Texture 3.9.9 Externalization of Texture 3.10 Shape-from-Contour 3.11 Shape-from-Stereo 3.12 Interpolation 3.12.1 Sources of Depth Data 3.12.2 "No News is Good News" 3.12.3 Energy and Interpolation 3.12.4 Edges as Memory 3.12.5 Noise as Memory 3.12.6 Five Processes 3.12.7 Energy Minimization 3.12.8 Externalization 3.13 Shape-from-Motion 3.13.1 Two Motion Problems 3.13.2 The Two-Dimensional Problem 3.13.3 The Three-Dimensional Problem 3.14 Summary Representation Is Explanation 4.1 The Representation-is-Explanation Principle 4.2 The Well-Definedness Principle 4.3 The Representational Machine Analogy 4.4 Two Machine Analogies 4.5 Some Comments 4.5.1 Evidence from Contemporary Cognitive Science (1) Perception (2) Categorization (3) Language (4) Planning 4.5.2 What is the Future? 4.5.3 Cognition and Symbols 4.5.4 Time Required to Construct Causal Explanations 4.6 How Machines Embody Causal Interactions 4.7 Machines as History 4.8 The Construction of Temporality 4.8.1 Temporality from Atemporality 4.8.2 The Return to Perception 4.8.3 Temporal Construction as Program Construction 4.8.4 Programs 4.8.5 Structured Programming 4.8.6 Three Basic Control Structures 4.9 Modularization 4.10 Nested Control 4.11 Replacing Selection by Repetition 4.12 Summary Groups and Symmetry 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Symmetry Group of a Triangle 5.3 Four Basic Properties 5.4 The Symmetry Group of a Square 5.5 The Symmetry Group of a Regular Planar Polygon 5.6 Cyclic Groups 5.7 The Reflection Group 5.8 The Continuous Rotation Group 5.9 Translations Along a Line 5.10 Translations in the Plane 5.11 Euclidean Motions 5.12 Linear Transformations 5.13 The Affine Group 5.14 Summary Domain-Independent Rules 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The Structure of Histories 6.3 The Internal History of a Square 6.4 Color Graphs and Processes 6.5 Processes as Cyclic Groups 6.6 The Group and the Program 6.7 The Internal History of a Side 6.8 The Two-Level History of a Square 6.9 The Trace Structure of Regular Polygons 6.10 The External History of a Square 6.11 Continuous Generators 6.12 Mapping the Group and the Color Graph 6.13 Reference Frames 6.14 Full Nesting 6.15 Nested Control and Memory 6.16 Nesting as Transfer 6.17 Theory of Grouping 6.18 Grouping: Evaluation Theory 6.19 Why the Ordering Stretches.Shears.Rotations 6.20 The Interaction Principles 6.21 Preliminary Corroboration 6.22 The Backwards and Forwards Interaction Principles 6.23 Defining the Cartesian Reference Frame 6.24 The External History of the Cartesian Reference Frame 6.25 The Internal History of the Cartesian Reference Frame 6.26 The Psychological Nature of Cartesian Reference Frames 6.27 Imposing a Cartesian Frame 6.28 A Solution to the Square-Diamond Problem 6.29 Alternative Subhistories Conforming to the Subhistory Principle 6.30 The Solution to the Orientation-and-Form Problem 6.31 The Cartesian Frame Bundle 6.32 Motion Perception 6.32.1 Induced Motion 6.32.2 Successive Embeddings of Induced Motion 6.32.3 Johansson (1950) Motion 6.33 Generalized Cylinders 6.34 A Full Process Structure 6.35 The Cylinder Scenario 6.36 The Boundary-Pushing Scenario 6.37 The Classical Local Symmetry Analyses 6.37.1 Blum's SAT 6.37.2 Brady's SLS 6.37.3 What is the Real Difference Between the SAT and SLS? 6.38 The Structure of Local Symmetry Analyses 6.39 Symmetry Analysis for Boundary-Pushing 6.39.1 The Inference of Indentation 6.39.2 The Inference of Squashing 6.39.4 The Inference of Internal Resistance 6.39.5 PISA as Boundary-Pushing 6.40 Functional Appropriateness of Symmetry Analyses 6.41 Physical Appropriateness of the Two Scenarios 6.42 Summary Linguistics 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Current Concepts of Constituent Structure 7.3 Replacing Current Constituency Rules 7.4 Reviewing Further Concepts 7.5 Transformations Are Based on the Asymmetry and Symmetry Principles 7.6 Stratification of Movement 7.7 Two Types of Modification Rules 7.8 Atemporal or Temporal Interpretations of Generativity 7.9 Functionalist Considerations 7.10 The Coding of Topic 7.11 Topic and Transformations 7.12 Functional Stratification of Transformations 7.13 Differences Between Topic-Comment Structure and Chomskian Constituency Structure 7.14 Comment Structure and Syntactic Structure 7.15 Fitting Accumulation Rules Together with Movement Rules 7.16 Language as Memory 7.17 Language as Causal History 7.18 Summary Art 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Art-Works 8.3 Using the Extrema-Based Rules 8.4 Picasso's Woman Ironing 8.4.1 The Main Curvature Extrema 8.4.2 Meaning is History 8.4.3 Extraction of Further History from Picasso's Woman Ironing 8.4.4 The Bending Process in Woman Ironing 8.5 Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon 8.5.1 The Structure of Demoiselles d'Avignon 8.5.2 The Meaning of Demoiselles d'Avignon 8.6 Picasso's Still Life on a Pedestal Table 8.7 Raphael's Alba Madonna 8.7.1 Histories from the Straight Line 8.7.3 The Structure of the Alba Madonna 8.8 The Second and Third Art-Work Principles 8.9 The Preference for Stimulus Complexity 8.9.1 Complexity Level Hypothesis, Part 1: Optimal Complexity 8.9.2 Complexity Level Hypothesis, Part 2: Insufficient Complexity 8.9.3 Complexity Level Hypothesis, Part 2: Excessive Complexity 8.10 The Fundamental Aesthetic Principle 8.11 Aesthetics and Cognition 8.12 Summary Political Prisoners 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Death 9.3 Politics and Death 9.4 Prisoners of an Emptied Present 9.5 Refugees 9.6 Political Prisoners 9.7 Slaves 9.8 Subjugators 9.9 Technology and History 9.10 The Symmetrizing Effects of Technology 9.11 The Symmetrizing Economy 9.12 The Expansion of the Symmetrizing Economy 9.13 The Homeless 9.14 The Glorification of the Standardized Individual 9.15 The History Ethic 9.16 The Purpose of this Book 9.17 Where is History?
  • Michael Leyton is Professor in the Department of Psychology at Rutgers University.
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  • Symmetry, Causality, Mind