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Early Modern English Drama (2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Sullivan Cheney Hadfield
발행년도 2005-09-29
판수 1판
페이지 352
ISBN 9780195153866
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Early Modern English Drama (2005)


  • Early Modern English Drama: A Critical Companion presents twenty-seven analytical essays on individual plays from the early modern period. Each essay is written by a leading scholar and examines a play in terms of a cultural or literary topic, from London to the law, servants to sovereigns, and geography to religion. Incorporating current perspectives in critical studies, the essays address issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, and colonialism, as well as key aspects of intellectual and social history, including humanism, science, the law, and theology. Featuring the authors and plays most often taught in college courses, Early Modern English Drama: A Critical Companion is an ideal supplement to both primary texts and anthologies of Renaissance drama. It offers extensive coverage of works by Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare and also analyzes plays by Francis Beaumont, Elizabeth Cary, John Fletcher, John Ford, Thomas Kyd, Henry Medwall, Thomas Middleton, William Rowley, John Webster, and others. The book is structured around authors and their works, which are related to the issue or topic in question. The essays are organized chronologically according to the dates of composition, performance, or publication of the plays discussed. This design corresponds perfectly with courses in which students first read a primary text and then expand their understanding of the work with detailed critical commentary that provides historical and cultural context. Early Modern English Drama: A Critical Companion is enhanced by a general introduction that looks at the conditions of playgoing in early modern England, recommended reading lists at the end of each chapter, a chronology of Renaissance drama tailored to the book's contents, and brief biographies of the included authors.
  • Introduction: Theatergoing Then and Now 1. Dramatic Authorship and Print, Wendy Wall 2. Theater Companies and Stages, Roslyn L. Knutson 3. Fulgens and Lucres and Early Tudor Drama, Greg Walker 4. Tamburlaine and Renaissance Geography, John Gillies 5. The Spanish Tragedy and Revenge, Gregory M. Colon Semenza 6. Turks and Jews in The Jew of Malta, Daniel Vitkus 7. Arden of Faversham and the Early Modern Household, Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr. 8. Edward II and Male Same-Sex Desire, Alan Stewart 9. Dr. Faustus and Reformation Theology, Kristen Poole 10. Henry V and the Tudor Monarchy, Constance Jordan 11. Hamlet and Humanism, Neil Rhodes 12. Twelfth Night, Gender, and Comedy, R. W. Maslen 13. Othello and the Moor, Emily C. Bartels 14. The Masque of Blackness and Stuart Court Culture, Martin Butler 15. Death and The Revenger's Tragedy, Michael Neill 16. Volpone and the Classics, Raphael Lyne 17. The Knight of the Burning Pestle and Generic Experimentation, Lucy Munro 18. The Alchemist and Science, Katherine Eggert 19. The Roaring Girl and the London Underworld, Clare McManus 20. The White Devil and the Law, Luke Wilson 21. A Chaste Maid in Cheapside and London, Karen Newman 22. The Tragedy of Mariam and the Politics of Marriage, Danielle Clarke 23. Bartholomew Fair and the Humoral Body, Gail Kern Paster 24. The Duchess of Malfi and Early Modern Widows, Dympna Callaghan 25. The Island Princess and Race, Claire Jowitt 26. The Changeling and Masters and Servants, Mark Thornton Burnett 27. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore and Incest, Richard A. McCabe
  • Garrett A. Sullivan is at Pennsylvania State University. Patrick Cheney is at Pennsylvania State University
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  • Early Modern English Drama (2005)