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The Empire of Fashion (2002) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 R. Sennett
발행년도 2002-07-21
판수 1판
페이지 296
ISBN 9780691102627
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 23,300원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Empire of Fashion (2002)


  • In a book full of playful irony and striking insights, the controversial social philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky draws on the history of fashion to demonstrate that the modern cult of appearance and superficiality actually serves the common good. Focusing on clothing, bodily deportment, sex roles, sexual practices, and political rhetoric as forms of "fashion," Lipovetsky bounds across two thousand years of history, showing how the evolution of fashion from an upper-class privilege into a vehicle of popular expression closely follows the rise of democratic values. Whereas Tocqueville feared that mass culture would create passive citizens incapable of political reasoning, Lipovetsky argues that today's mass-produced fashion offers many choices, which in turn enable consumers to become complex individuals within a consolidated, democratically educated society. Superficiality fosters tolerance among different groups within a society, claims Lipovetsky. To analyze fashion's role in smoothing over social conflict, he abandons class analysis in favor of an inquiry into the symbolism of everyday life and the creation of ephemeral desire. Lipovetsky examines the malaise experienced by people who, because they can fulfill so many desires, lose their sense of identity. His conclusions raise disturbing questions about personal joy and anguish in modern democracy.
  • Foreword Introduction 3 Pt. 1 The Enchantment of Appearances Ch. I Fashion and the West: The Aristocratic Moment 18 Ch. II A Century of Fashion 55 Ch. III Open Fashion 88 Pt. 2 Consummate Fashion Ch. IV The Seduction of Things 134 Ch. V Advertising on the Offensive 156 Ch. VI Culture, Media Style 174 Ch. VII Meaning Carries On 203 Ch. VIII The Progressive Shifting of the Social 226 Epilogue 242 Notes 253 Works Cited 265 Index 271
  • Gilles Lipovetsky teaches philosophy in Grenoble. He is the author of "L'Ere du vide" and "Le Crepuscule du devoir," both published by Gallimard.
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  • The Empire of Fashion (2002)