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Victorian Women Poets 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Alexander Allison
발행년도 1999-09-01
판수 3rd edition판
페이지 1452
ISBN 9780631176091
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 69,900원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Victorian Women Poets


  • This reader contains sixteen new and recent essays addressing work by, and issues raised concerning, Victorian women poets. Among those discussed directly are: Elizabeth Barrett Browing, Emily Bronte, George Eliot, Michael Field, Felicia Hemans, Adelaide Proctor, Christina Rossetti, and Rosamund Marriott Watson. Key topics dealt with include the nature of home,the market, the fallen woman and the moral law, the mother, and the muse.

    Critics represented are: Isobel Armstrong, Kathleen Blake, Susan Conley, Stevie Davies, Sandra M. Gilbert, Gill Gregory, Terrence Holt, Linda K. Hughes, Angela Leighton, Tricia Lootens, Jerome J. McGann, Dorothy Mermin, Margaret Reynolds, Dolores Rosenblum, Chris White, and Joyce Zonana.

  • Introduction.
    Felicia Hemans:.
    1. Hemans and Home: Victorianism, Feminine Internal Enemies, and the Domestication of National Identity (1994): T. Lootens.
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning:.
    2. From Patria to Matria: Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Risorgimento (1984): S. M. Gilbert.
    3. The Embodied Muse: Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Aurora Leigh and Feminist Poetics (1989): J. Zonana.
    Emily Bronte:.
    4. The Mother Planet (1994): S. Davies.
    George Eliot:.
    5. Armgart George Eliot on the Woman Artist (1980): K. Blake.
    Adelaide Procter:.
    6. Adelaide Procters A Legend of Provence: The Struggle for a Place: G. Gregory.
    Christina Rossetti:.
    7. Christina Rossett is Poems (1980): J. J. McGann.
    8. Christina Rossett is Religious Poetry: Watching, Looking, Keeping Vigil (1982): D. Rosenblum.
    9. Men sell not such in any town: Exchange in Goblin Market (1990): T. Holt.
    Michael Field:.
    10. The Tiresian Poet: M. Field.
    Rosamund Marriott Watson:.
    11. Fair Hymen holdeth hid a world of woes: Myth and Marriage in Poems by Graham R. Tomson (Rosamund Marriott Watson) (1994): L. K. Hughes.
    12. The Damsel, the Knight, and the Victorian Woman Poet (1986): D. Mermin.
    13. Because men made the laws: The Fallen Woman and the Woman Poet (1989): A. Leighton.
    14. Poets Right: Christina Rossetti as Anti Muse: S. Conley.
    15. A Music of Thine Own: Womens Poetry an Expressive Tradition? (1993): I. Armstrong.
    16. I lived for art, I lived for love: The Woman Poet Sings Sappho▽s Last Song: M. Reynolds.
    List of Contributors.

  • Angela Leighton is a Reader in English at the University of Hull. She is the author of Shelley and the Sublime (1984), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1986) and Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart (1992), and co-editor with Margaret Reynolds of Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology (Blackwell Publishers, 1995).

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  • Victorian Women Poets