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Strategies for E-business(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Tawfik Jelassi
발행년도 2004-07-08
판수 1판
페이지 672
ISBN 9780273688402
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Strategies for E-business(2004)


  • "Strategies for e-business" is packed with a treasury of timely and insightful international case studies, the very best concepts from academics, and powerful prescriptions for practising managers who wish to navigate the world of e-business, without the hype. This very readable book is clearly the culmination of years where Jelassi, in particular, has remained on the forefront of making e-business very relevant to the practising manager, gleaning deep insights from case research on how firms use e-business to gain competitive advantage, and his own leading academic research." Prof. Andrew Boynton, Director of the Executive MBA, IMD Lausanne Do you want a book that links e-business to overall corporate strategy? That has case studies that investigate the dot.com phenomenon as well as the 'dot.bomb' disasters? This important new textbook offers a framework for comprehensive e-business strategy formulation based on rigorous and time-proven concepts from the field of strategic management, adapted to the specific context of e-business. Ideal for MBA students, upper level undergraduates and practitioners, Strategies for e-Business provides the reader with tools for analysing twenty-eight original case studies, examining how companies have developed and implemented electronic and mobile commerce strategies. The cases are contributed and researched by acknowledged experts and have been chosen to represent a range of industries including banking, retailing, media, education, manufacturing and advertising in Europe and beyond. Tawfik Jelassi is Professor of e-Business and Information Technology at the School of International Management at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris, France. Albrecht Enders is an Associate with The Boston Consulting Group, Cologne, Germany
  • Foreword Preface About the authors Acknowledgments PART I INTRODUCTION 1. Key terminology and evolution of e-business 2. Building e-business competence through concepts and cases PART II THE E-BUSINESS STRATEGY FRAMEWORK Introduction to Part 2 3. The impact of the Internet on the macro-environment and on the industry structure 4. Markets for e-business 5. Value creation in e-business 6. Strategy options for value creation in market spaces 7. Impact of the Internet on the horizontal boundaries of a firm 8. Impact of the Internet on the vertical boundaries of a firm 9. Internal organization of a firm?s e-business activities PART III LESSONS LEARNED 10. A roadmap for e-Business strategy formulation PART IV CASE STUDIES Synopses of case studies 1. Establishing a national IT infrastructure: the case of the French videotext system Minitel 2. Business process redesign at CompuNet: standardizing top-quality service through IT 3. E-Government: the role of information and communication technologies in the modernization of government 4. The Euro-Arab Management School 5. To be or not to be on the shelf: grocery retailing through the Internet -- Alcampo (Spain) v. Peapod (USA) 6. Fighting over the Internet: the virtual battle between Amazon.com (USA) and Bol.de (Germany) 7. Cyber-entrepreneurship: the Nettimarket.com venture in Finland 8. The Tesco.com experience: is success at hand? 9. ChateauOnline 10. Banking on the Internet: the Advance Bank in Germany 11. The Electronic Purse in Portugal: a mere payment system or a socioeconomic revolution? 12. From e-banking to e-business at Nordea (Scandinavia): the world?s biggest clicks-and-mortar bank 13. Ducati Motorcycle (Italy): riding traditional business channels or racing through the Internet 14. Ducati (Italy) v. Harley-Davidson (USA): innovating business processes and managing value networks 15. Terra Lycos: creating a global and profitable integrated media company 16. Google.com: the world?s number-one Internet search engine 17 DoubleClick, Inc.: a strategic transformation 18. Competing through EDI at Papeteries Brun Passot: making paper pass?BR>19. CitiusNet: the emergence of a global electronic market 20 Business-to-business electronic commerce: Mondus.com -- an e-marketplace for small and medium-sized enterprises 21. B2B e-marketplace in the automotive industry: Covisint -- a co-opetition gamble? 22 eBay strategy A 23 eBay strategy B 24 eBay international 25 Online file-sharing: the music industry?s paradigm shift 26 12Snap (Germany, UK, Italy): from B2C mobile retailing to B2B mobile marketing 27 paybox.net (Germany): a mobile payment service 28 NTT DoCoMo i-mode: value innovation at DoCoMo Appendix Techologies for electronic and mobile commerce Index
  • Tawfik Jelassi is Professor of e-Business and Information Technology at the School of International Management at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris, France. Albrecht Enders is an Associate with The Boston Consulting Group, Cologne, Germany ?
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  • Strategies for E-business(2004)