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Bad Language: Are Some Words Better Than Others? (2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 E.. Battistella
발행년도 2005-07-01
판수 1판
페이지 230
ISBN 9780195172485
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 36,700원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Bad Language: Are Some Words Better Than Others? (2005)


  • Is today's language at an all-time low? Are pronunciations like cawfee and chawklit bad English? Is slang like my bad or hook up improper? Is it incorrect to mix English and Spanish, as in Yo quiero Taco Bell? Can you write Who do you trust? rather than Whom do you trust? Linguist Edwin Battistella takes a hard look at traditional notions of bad language, arguing that they are often based in sterile conventionality. Examining grammar and style, cursing, slang, and political correctness, regional and ethnic dialects, and foreign accents and language mixing, Battistella discusses the strong feelings evoked by language variation, from objections to the pronunciation NU-cu-lar to complaints about bilingual education. He explains the natural desire for uniformity in writing and speaking and traces the association of mainstream norms to ideas about refinement, intelligence, education, character, national unity and political values. Battistella argues that none of these qualities is inherently connected to language. It is tempting but wrong, Battistella argues, to think of slang, dialects and nonstandard grammar as simply breaking the rules of good English. Instead, we should view language as made up of alternative forms of orderliness adopted by speakers depending on their purpose. Thus we can study the structure and context of nonstandard language in order to illuminate and enrich traditional forms of language, and make policy decisions based on an informed engagement. Re-examining longstanding and heated debates, Bad Language will appeal to a wide spectrum of readers engaged and interested in the debate over what constitutes proper language.
  • 1. Bad Language: Realism vs. Relativism 2. Bad Writing 3. Bad Grammar 4. Bad Words 5. Bad Citizens 6. Bad Accents 7. Images and Engagement
  • Edwin L. Battistella is Dean of Arts and Letters and Professor of English at Southern Oregon University. He is the author of two previous books on grammar and language, including The Logic of Markedness (OUP, 1996).
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선택된 옵션

  • Bad Language: Are Some Words Better Than Others? (2005)