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When Flesh Becomes Word: An Anthology of Early Eighteenth - Century Libertine Literature (2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 B. Mudge
발행년도 2004-01-01
판수 1 edition판
페이지 332
ISBN 9780195161885
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 31,440원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • When Flesh Becomes Word: An Anthology of Early Eighteenth - Century Libertine Literature (2004)


  • When Flesh Becomes Word collects nine different examples of British libertine literature that appeared before 1750. Three of these--The School of Venus (1680), Venus in the Cloister (1725), and A Dialogue Between a Married Lady and a Maid (1740)--are famous "whore dialogues," dramatic conversations between an older, experienced woman and a younger, inexperienced maid. Previously unavailable to the modern reader, these dialogues combine sex education, medical folklore, and erotic literature in a decidedly proto-pornographic form. This edition also presents a range of other examples of libertine literature, including bawdy poetry, a salacious medical treatise, an irreverent travelogue, and a criminal biography. The combination of both popular and influential texts presented in this edition provides an accessible introduction to the variety of material available to eighteenth-century readers before the publication of John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure in 1749.
  • Introduction: British Libertine Literature before Fanny Hill (1749) 1. The School of Venus (1680) 2. The Pleasures of a Single Life (1701), The Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom (1706), and The Fifteen Plagues of a Maiden-Head (1707) 3. Gonosologium Novum (1709) 4. Venus in the Cloister (1725) 5. A Dialogue Between a Married Lady and a Maid (1740) 6. A New Description of Merryland (1741) 7. The Female
  • Bradford K. Mudge is Professor of English at the University of Colorado at Denver. He is the author of The Whore's Story: Women, Pornography, and the British Novel, 1684-1830 (Oxford, 2000).
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  • When Flesh Becomes Word: An Anthology of Early Eighteenth - Century Libertine Literature (2004)