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The Uses Of Grammar(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Judith Rodby
발행년도 2005-02-10
판수 1판
페이지 274
ISBN 9780195175080
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 61,740원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Uses Of Grammar(2004)


  • The Uses of Grammar takes an eclectic and accessible approach that integrates traditional, structural, and functional concepts with other ideas from contemporary grammar. In contrast with other grammar texts--which are typically organized from the "bottom up," beginning with parts of speech and progressing to phrases, clauses, and sentences--this book employs a unique structure based on the differentiation of form and function. This structure is framed around three questions: What are the forms in the grammar of American English? How do those forms function in that grammar? How are they used in real-life speaking and writing to achieve specific purposes? For example, students will learn how a variety of forms (including nouns, pronouns, verbals, and clauses) can all function as nominals. The Uses of Grammar incorporates examples and exercises that use "living language" to illustrate the practical applications of grammar. These sentences and passages are drawn from a wide variety of sources--including newspapers, magazines, books, and the writings of undergraduate students--and from such writers and speakers as Ronald Reagan, Shirley Chisholm, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, and Jane Addams. Extensively class-tested and refined to be student- and instructor-friendly, the text also features "Challenger" and "For Discussion" boxed sections that enhance students' understanding of the principles covered in the text and encourage classroom discussion. In addition, most chapters end with "Passages for Analysis" sections that allow students to analyze the uses of forms and functions in broader contexts than those provided by the exercises. An Instructor's Manual that includes answers to exercises in the text, supplemental exercises and answers, teaching tips, an alternate table of contents, and a transition guide is available to adopters.
  • 1.The uses of grammar 2.Getting started:some important concepts 3.The forms of words:morphology 4.Basic sentence types 5.Verbs:tense,auxiliary verbs,and modals 6.Verbs:perfect and progressive aspect 7.Negative,interrogative,imperative,passive 8.Nominals:nouns phrases,nonfinite verbs 9.Nominals:pronouns 10.Nominals:noun clauses 11.Adjectivals:adjectives,nouns,prepositional phrases 12.Adjectivals:clauses 13.Adverbials:adverbs,prepositional phrases,nouns 14.Adverbials:clauses and adverbial conjunctions 15.Prepositions and particles:review of prepositional phrases as nominals,adjectivals,and adverbials 16.Sentence types,clauses,conjunctions 17.Using grammar
  • Judith Rodby is at California State University, Chico. W. Ross Winterowd is at University of Southern California (Emeritus).
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  • The Uses Of Grammar(2004)