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Geometry with Geometry Explorer 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Michael Hvidsten
발행년도 2005-01-01
판수 1판
페이지 463
ISBN 9780071248655
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 28,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Geometry with Geometry Explorer


  • Geometry with Geometry Explorer combines a discovery-based geometry text with powerful integrated geometry software. This combination allows for the deep exploration of topics that would be impossible without well-integrated technology, such as hyperbolic geometry, and encourages the kind of experimentation and self-discovery needed for students to develop a natural intuition for various topics in geometry.
  • 1 Geometry and the Axiomatic Method 1.1 Early Origins of Geometry 1.2 Thales and Pythagoras 1.2.1 Thales 1.2.2 Pythagoras 1.3 Project 1 - The Ratio Made of Gold 1.3.1 Golden Section 1.3.2 Golden Rectangles 1.4 The Rise of the Axiomatic Method 1.5 Properties of Axiomatic Systems 1.5.1 Consistency 1.5.2 Independence 1.5.3 Completeness 1.5.4 G?el's Incompleteness Theorem 1.6 Euclid's Axiomatic Geometry 1.6.1 Euclid's Postulates 1.7 Project 2 - A Concrete Axiomatic System 2 Euclidean Geometry 2.1 Angles, Lines, and Parallels 2.2 Congruent Triangles and Pasch's Axiom 2.3 Project 3 - Special Points of a Triangle 2.3.1 Circumcenter 2.3.2 Orthocenter 2.3.3 Incenter 2.4 Measurement and Area in Eucliedean Geometry 2.4.1 Mini-Project - Area in Euclidean Geometry 2.4.2 Cevians and Areas 2.5 Similar Triangles 2.5.1 Mini-Project - Finding Heights 2.6 Circle Geometry 2.7 Project 4 - Circle Inversion and Orthogonality 2.7.1 Orthogonal Circles Redux 3 Analytic Geometry 3.1 The Cartesian Coordinate System 3.2 Vector Geometry 3.3 Project 5 - B?ier Curves 3.4 Angles in Coordinate Geometry 3.5 The Complex Plane 3.5.1 Polar Form 3.5.2 Complex Functions 3.5.3 Analytic Functions and Conformal Maps (Optional) 3.6 Birkhoff's Axiomatic System for Analytic Geometry 4 Constructions 4.1 Euclidean Constructions 4.2 Project 6 - Euclidean Eggs 4.3 Constructibility 4.4 Mini-Project - Origami Construction 5 Transformational Geometry 5.1 Euclidean Isometries 5.2 Reflections 5.2.1 Mini-Project - Isometries through Reflection 5.2.2 Reflection and Symmetry 5.3 Translations 5.3.1 Translational Symmetry 5.4 Rotations 5.4.1 Rotational Symmetry 5.5 Project 7 - Quilts and Transformations 5.6 Glide Reflections 5.6.1 Glide Reflection Symmetry 5.7 Structure and Representation of Isometries 5.7.1 Matrix Form of Isometries 5.7.2 Compositions of Rotations and Translations 5.7.3 Compositions of Reflections and Glide Reflections 5.7.4 Isometries in Computer Graphics 5.7.5 Summary of Isometry Compositions 5.8 Project 8 - Constructing Compositions 6 Symmetry 6.1 Finite Plane Symmetry Groups 6.2 Frieze Groups 6.3 Wallpaper Groups 6.4 Tiling the Plane 6.4.1 Escher 6.4.2 Regular Tessellations of the Plane 6.5 Project 9 - Constructing Tessellations 7 Non-Euclidean Geometry 7.1 Background and History 7.2 Models of Hyperbolic Geometry 7.2.1 Poincar?Model 7.2.2 Mini-Project - The Klein Model 7.3 Basic Results in Hyperbolic Geometry 7.3.1 Parallels in Hyperbolic Geometry 7.3.2 Omega Points and Triangles 7.4 Project 10 - The Saccheri Quadrilateral 7.5 Lambert Quadrilaterals and Triangles 7.5.1 Lambert Quadrilaterals 7.5.2 Triangles in Hyperbolic Geometry 7.6 Area in Hyperbolic Geometry 7.7 Project 11 - Tiling the Hyperbolic Plane 7.8 Models and Isomorphism 8 Non-Euclidean Transformations 8.1 M?ius Transformations 8.1.1 Fixed Points and the Cross Ratio 8.1.2 Geometric Properties of M?ius Transformations 8.2 Isometries in the Poincar?Model 8.3 Isometries in the Klein Model 8.4 Mini-Project - The Upper Half-Plane Model 8.5 Weierstrass Model 8.6 Hyperbolic Calculation 8.6.1 Arclength of Parameterized Curves 8.6.2 Geodesics 8.6.3 The Angle of Parallelism 8.6.4 Right Triangles 8.6.5 Area 8.7 Project 12 - Infinite Real Estate? 9 Fractal Geometry 9.1 The Search for a "Natural" Geometry 9.2 Self-Similarity 9.2.1 Sierpinski's Triangle 9.2.2 Cantor Set 9.3 Similarity Dimension 9.4 Project 13 - An Endlessly Beautiful Snowflake 9.5 Contraction Mappings and the Space of Fractals 9.6 Fractal Dimension 9.7 Project 14 - IFS Ferns 9.8 Algorithmic Geometry 9.8.1 Turtle Geometry 9.9 Grammars and Productions 9.9.1 Space-filling Curves 9.10 Project 15 - Words into Plants: The Geometry of Life A Book I of Euclid's Elements A.1 Definitions A.2 The Postulates (Axioms) A.3 Common Notions A.4 Propositions (Theorems) B Brief Guide to Geometry Explorer B.1 The Main Geometry Explorer Window B.2 Selecting Objects B.3 Active vs. Inactive Tools B.4 Labels B.5 Object Coloring B.6 Online Help B.7 Undo/Redo of Actions B.8 Clearing and Resizing the Canvas B.9 Saving Files as Images B.10 Main Window Button Panels B.10.1 Create Panel B.10.2 Construct Panel B.10.3 Transform Panel B.11 Measurement in Geometry Explorer B.11.1 Neutral Measurements B.11.2 Euclidean-only Measurements B.11.3 Hyperbolic-only Measurements B.11.4 User Input Measurements B.12 Using Tables B.13 Using the Calculator B.14 Hyperbolic Geometry B.15 Analytic Geometry B.16 Turtle Geometry C Birkhoff's Axioms for Euclidean Geometry D Hilbert's Axioms for Euclidean Geometry E The 17 Wallpaper Groups
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선택된 옵션

  • Geometry with Geometry Explorer