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The Cambridge Companion to John Dryden (2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Steven N. Zwicker
발행년도 2010-05-05
판수 1판
페이지 318
ISBN 9780521531443
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 37,570원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Cambridge Companion to John Dryden (2004)


  • This collection of essays offers a variety of perspectives on John Dryden's work and its contexts. A towering literary figure in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, Dryden authored a series of highly successful plays and poems, in addition to influential essays of literary criticism.
  • Chronology Part I. Pleasures of the Imagination 1. Composing a literary life: introduction Steven N. Zwicker 2. Dryden and the theatrical imagination Stuart Sherman 3. Dryden and the energies of satire Ronald Paulson 4. Dryden and the imperial imagination Laura Brown 5. Dryden and the invention of Augustan culture Paul Davis 6. Dryden's triplets Christopher Ricks; Part II. A Literary Life in Restoration England 7. Dryden's London Harold Love 8. Dryden's theatre and the passions of politics Paulina Kewes 9. Dryden's anonymity John Mullan 10. Dryden and the modes of restoration sociability Katsuhiro Engetsu Part III: 11. Dryden and patronage John Barnard 12. Dryden and political allegiance Annabel Patterson 13. The piety of John Dryden John Spurr 14. Dryden's 'Fables' and the judgment of art Anne Cotterill 15. Dryden and the problem of literary modernity epilogue Steven N. Zwicker.
  • Steven N. Zwicker is Stanley Elkin Professor of Humanities at Washington University, St. Louis and Professor of English and Adjunct Professor of History. He is the editor of The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1650-1740 (Cambridge, 1998), Reading, Society, and Politics in Early Modern England, ed. with Kevin Sharpe (Cambridge, 2003), John Dryden: Selected Poems (2001), Refiguring Revolutions, ed. with Kevin Sharpe (1998), Lines of Authority (1993), Politics of Discourse, ed. with Kevin Sharpe (1987) and Politics and Language in Dryden's Poetry (1984).
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  • The Cambridge Companion to John Dryden (2004)