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오탈자 문의

Semantics: A Reader(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Stephen Davis
발행년도 2004-12-09
판수 1판
페이지 921
ISBN 9780195136982
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 56,700원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Semantics: A Reader(2004)


  • Part I. Introduction Steven Davis and Brendan S. Gillon 1. Preliminaries 2. Linguistics and Typology 3. Linguistics and Logic 4. Theories of Reference and Theories of Meaning 5. Internalist and Externalist Semantic Theories 6. Semantics and Context 7. Conclusion 8. Appendix Part II. Background 9. The Principle of Semantic Compositionality, Francis Jeffry Pelletier 10. Ambiguity, Indeterminacy, Deixis, and Vagueness: Evidence and Theory, Brendan S. Gillon Part III. Approaches 11. General Semantics, David Lewis 12. Truth and Meaning, Donald Davidson 13. A Theory of Truth and Semantic Representation, Hans Kamp 14. Dynamic Predicate Logic, Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof 15. Situations and Attitudes, Jon Barwise and John Perry 16. What Is a Concept, That a Person May Grasp It?, Ray Jackendoff 17. Mental Spaces, Language Modalities, and Conceptual Integration, Gilles Fauconnier Part IV. Topics 18. The Generative Lexicon, James Pustejovsky 19. Towards a Common Semantics for English Count and Mass Nouns, Brendan S. Gillon 20. Reference and Proper Names, Tyler Burge 21. Pronouns, Gareth Evans 22. Pronouns and Bound Variables, James Higginbotham 23. Generalized Quantifiers and Natural Language, Jon Barwise and Robin Cooper 24. The Tenses of Verbs, Hans Reichenbach 25. Some Structural Analogies between Tenses and Pronouns in English, Barbara Hall Partee 26. Two Theories about Adjectives, J. A. W. (Hans) Kamp 27. Prepositions and Points of View, Max J. Cresswell 28. On Semantic and Distributional Properties of Sentential Adverbs, Irena Bellert 29. A Semantic Theory of Adverbs, Richmond H. Thomason and Robert C. Stalnaker 30. Adverbs of Quantification, David Lewis 31. Semantics and Pragmatics of Sentence Connectives in Natural Language, Roland Posner 32. A Cross-Categorial Semantics for Coordination, Gerald Gazdar 33. The Means of Connectives, R. E. (Ray) Jennings 34. Interrogatives, James Higginbotham 35. Success, Satisfaction, and Truth in the Logic of Speech Acts and Formal Semantics, Daniel Vanderveken 36. The Logical Form of Action Sentences, Donald Davidson Part V. Context Dependency 37. Demonstratives, David Kaplan 38. Truth and Demonstratives, Scott Weinstein 39. Scorekeeping in a Language Game, David Lewis 40. Explicature and Semantics, Robyn Carston 41. Quantifier Phrases, Meaningfulness ""in Isolation,"" and Ellipsis, Robert J. StaintonBibliography Index
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선택된 옵션

  • Semantics: A Reader(2004)