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Sociolinguistic Variation(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Carmen Fought
발행년도 2004-08-05
판수 1판
페이지 214
ISBN 9780195170399
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Sociolinguistic Variation(2004)


  • Sociolinguistic Variation brings together a group of leading scholars in the field of language variation and change to address the directions that sociolinguistic research is taking in the new millennium. Among the main themes of the volume are the construction of identity, the nature of "place" as distinct from "community", and the role of attitudes in language variation. These themes are explored through a variety of types of data, from traditional sources such as narratives, to relatively new sources, such as postings on the Internet or television documentaries. Combining the voices of established scholars in the field with the perspectives of promising younger scholars this volume provides crucial guidance for anyone interested in doing research on sociolinguistic variation. Contributors include Guy Bailey, Penelope Eckert, Barbara Johnstone, William Labov, Ronald Macaulay, Lesley Milroy, Dennis Preston, John Rickford, Gillian Sankoff, Natalie Schilling-Estes, Jan Tillery, and Walt Wolfram.
  • 1.Sociolinguistic methods 2.The exploration of "place" 3.Influences on adult speech 4.Attitudes and ideologies
  • Carmen Fought is Professor of Linguistics at Pitzer College
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  • Sociolinguistic Variation(2004)