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Making Shakespeare 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Tiffany Stern
발행년도 2004-02-12
판수 1판
페이지 192
ISBN 9780415319652
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 40,380원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Making Shakespeare


  • Making Shakespeare is a lively introduction to the major issues of the stage and print history, whilst also raising questions about what a Shakespeare play actually is. Tiffany Stern reveals how London, the theatre, the actors and the way in which the plays were written and printed all affect the 'Shakespeare' that we now read. Concentrating on the instability and fluidity of Shakespeare's texts, her book discusses what happened to a manuscript between its first composition, its performance on stage and its printing, and identifies traces of the production system in the plays we read. She argues that the versions of Shakespeare that have come down to us have inevitably been formed by the contexts from which they emerged; being shaped by, for example, the way actors received and responded to their lines, the props and music used in the theatre, or the continual revision of plays by the playhouses and printers. Allowing a fuller understanding of the texts we read and perform, Making Shakespeare is the perfect introduction to issues of stage and page. A refreshingly clear, accessible read, this book will allow even those with no expert knowledge to begin to contextualize Shakespeare's plays for themselves, in ways both old and new.
  • List of Illustrations General Editor's Preface Acknowledgements Textual Note;  1. Prologue 2. Text, Playhouse and London  3. Additions, Emendations and Revisions  4. Rehearsal, Performance and Plays  5. Props, Music and Stage Directions 6. Prologues, Songs and Actors' Parts 7. From Stage to Printing House 8. Epilogue Notes Bibliography and Further Reading Index
  • Tiffany Stern is senior lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and author of Rehearsal from Shakespeare to Sheridan (2000) and, with Simon Palfrey, Shakespeare in Parts (2004, forthcoming). She has edited King Leir , is editing Sheridan's Rivals, and is particularly interested in the way theatrical practice impacts on the writing and revision of plays.
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  • Making Shakespeare