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Larpers And Shroomers: The Language Report(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Susie Dent
발행년도 2004-10-14
판수 1판
페이지 165
ISBN 9780198610120
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 23,740원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Larpers And Shroomers: The Language Report(2004)


  • This new edition of The Language Report covers all aspects of contemporary English as an evolving and mutating language. Slang, text, music, politics, idioms, and the media all contribute to changing the English we speak. This volume aims to chronicle this shapeshifting language over through its recent history, and with a special emphasis on 2004. A collection of some of the most intriguing facts and observations on spoken and written English today, this volume makes for excellent browsing. The fascinating development of euphemisms is covered, from sacking to halving the footprint, by way of making redundant and downsizing. New words are an essential part of this book, from the brand new 'intextication' to 'sexiles' and 'gangmasters'. Larpers and Shroomers examines the newest words in the language, and looks at the influence of current events, politics, and the media on everyday vocabulary, explains trends in grammar, and includes memorables quotes of the year.
  • Introduction; Bubbling Under: The Words of the Moment; Words Apart: 1904 vs 2004; Something Borrowed, Something New; Talking on the Level: Biz Words and Buzz Words; Daggers and Diplomacy: The Language of Politics; Words on a Plate: The Language of Food and Drink; Words in the Wardrobe The Language of Fashion; Hackers, Crackers, Lamers, and Gamers: Language Online; Virtual Conversations; Boos, Babes, and Cribs: The New Street Slang; Keeping Their Word: the Language of Brands; So Not Liking That: Grammatical Grievances; Patterns of Punctuation; Change or Decay? New Pronunciations; Speaking Englishes; It's Earlier Than You Think; Anything goes? Changing taboos; Watching Tennis at Eastbourne: the Changing Face of Euphemism; Figuratively speaking; The Language of Events; Word Histories; Reading TV; Language On Vacation: The Art of the Headline; A Word A Year: 1904-2004
  • Susie Dent is and editor and translator. She appears regularly on the popular British game show "Countdown" as the quiz's resident dictionary expert.
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  • Larpers And Shroomers: The Language Report(2004)