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Language and Nationalism in Europe(2002) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Stephen Barbour
발행년도 2002-02-28
판수 1판
페이지 336
ISBN 9780199250851
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 47,510원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Language and Nationalism in Europe(2002)


  • This volume examines the role of language in the present and past creation of social, cultural, and national identities in Europe, considering the way in which language may sometimes reinforce national identity (as in England) while tending to subvert the nation-state (as in the United Kingdom). The book describes the interactive roles of language, ethnicity, culture, and institutions in the character and formation of nationalism and identity throughout Europe. A select team of international contributors consider various questions drawing on evidence from the majority of European countries. The book concludes with a consideration of the current relative status of the languages of Europe and how these and the identities they reflect are changing and evolving.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction: Nationalism, Language, Europe, Stephen Barbour Chapter 2: Britain and Ireland: The Varying Significance of Language for Nationalism, Stephen Barbour Chapter 3: France: 'One State, One Nation, One Language?', Anne Judge Chapter 4: The Iberian Peninsula: Conflicting Linguistic Nationalisms, Clare Mar-Molinero Chapter 5: Northern Europe: Languages as Prime Markers of Ethnic and National Identity, Lars S. Vik? Chapter 6: The Low Countries: A Study in Sharply Contrasting Nationalisms, Robert B. Howell Chapter 7: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg: The Total Coincidence of Nations and Speech Communities?, Stephen Barbour Chapter 8: Language and Nationalism in Italy: Language as a Weak Marker of Identity, Carlo Ruzza Chapter 9: Contrasting Ethnic Nationalisms: Eastern Central Europe - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, Barbara T?nquist-Plewa Chapter 10: 'A People Exists and that People has its Language': Language Nationalism in the Balkans, Cathie Carmichael Chapter 11: Greece and European Turkey: From Religious to Linguistic Identity, Peter Trudgill Chapter 12: Coming to Terms with the Past: Language and Nationalism in the Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Baltic States, and the Russian Federation, Cathie Carmichael Chapter 13: Conclusions: Language and National Identity in a Changing
  • Stephen Barbour is a lecturer in German at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. His research and teaching focus chiefly on German language and the linguistics of German, but also include sociolinguistic issues in several areas, particularly in northern Europe. His publications include Variation in German, with Patrick Stevenson (1990; German edn. 1998), and a number of papers on language and nationalism. Cathie Carmichael teaches contemporary European history at Middlesex University. A specialist in the cultural history of south-eastern Europe, she is co-author (with James Gow) of Slovenia: A Small State in the New Europe (2000), and has published articles on popular culture and travel literature. She is currently working on a history of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, which will appear in 2001.
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  • Language and Nationalism in Europe(2002)