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Multidimensional Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Francois Treves - Contemporary Mathematics Vol.205(1997) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Paulo d.
발행년도 1997-07-03
판수 1판
페이지 276
ISBN 9780821805091
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Multidimensional Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Francois Treves - Contemporary Mathematics Vol.205(1997)


  • This collection of papers by outstanding contributors in analysis, partial differential equations, and several complex variables is dedicated to Professor Fran?is Treves in honor of his 65th birthday. There are five important survey articles covering analytic singularities, holomorphically nondegenerate algebraic hypersurfaces, analyticity of CR mappings, removable singularities of vector fields, and local solvability for systems of vector fields. The other papers are original research contributions on topics such as Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, Toeplitz operators, elliptic structures, complexification of Lie groups, pseudo-differential operators, nonlinear equations, CR and Mizohata structures, analytic hypoellipticity, overdetermined systems, and group invariant convex hypersurfaces.
  • S. Berhanu -- On extreme points and the strong maximum principle for CR functions L. Boutet de Monvel -- Symplectic cones and Toeplitz operators H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg -- A Lyapounov-Schmidt procedure involving a nonlinear projection S. Chanillo -- Remarks on commutators of pseudo-differential operators P. D. Cordaro -- A survey on the problem of local solvability for systems of vector fields C. L. Epstein and G. M. Henkin -- Extension of CR-structures for 3-dimensional pseudoconcave manifolds G. Francsics and N. Hanges -- Analytic singularities G. Francsics and N. Hanges -- Asymptotic behavior of the Bergman kernel and hypergeometric functions P. Guan -- Quasilinear degenerate elliptic equations in divergence form L. H?mander -- Remarks on the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations J. Hounie and J. Tavares -- Removable singularities of vector fields and the Nirenberg-Treves property H. Jacobowitz -- The Levi and Stein problems for elliptic structures M. Kuranishi -- On a priori estimate on a manifold with singularity on the boundary L. Lempert -- The problem of complexifying a Lie group N. Lerner -- Energy methods via coherent states and advanced pseudo-differential calculus Y. Y. Li -- Group invariant convex hypersurfaces with prescribed Gauss-Kronecker curvature G. A. Mendoza -- Elliptic structures A. Meziani -- Mizohata structures on $S^2$: Automorphisms and standardness L. P. Rothschild -- Holomorphically nondegenerate algebraic hypersurfaces and their mappings M. S. Baouendi -- Analyticity of CR mappings of algebraic hypersurfaces A. Tumanov -- Propagation of extendibility of CR functions on manifolds with edges S. M. Webster -- A note on extremal discs and double valued reflection
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선택된 옵션

  • Multidimensional Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations: A Collection of Papers in Honor of Francois Treves - Contemporary Mathematics Vol.205(1997)