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Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis - Algorithms and Combinatorics Vol.20(2000) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Kazuo Murota
발행년도 1999-11-29
판수 1판
페이지 484
ISBN 9783540660248
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 103,920원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis - Algorithms and Combinatorics Vol.20(2000)


  • A matroid is an abstract mathematical structure that captures combinatorial properties of matrices. This book offers a unique introduction to matroid theory, emphasizing motivations from matrix theory and applications to systems analysis.This book serves also as a comprehensive presentation of the theory and application of mixed matrices, developed primarily by the present author in the last decade. A mixed matrix is a convenient mathematical tool for systems analysis, compatible with the physical observation that "fixed constants" and "system parameters" are to be distinguished in the description of engineering systems.This book will be extremely useful to graduate students and researchers in engineering, mathematics and computer science.
  • Preface I. Introduction to Structural Approach Overview of the Book 1 Structural Approach to Index of DAE 1.1 Index of differential-algebraic equations 1.2 Graph-theoretic structural approach 1.3 An embarrassing phenomenon 2 What Is Combinatorial Structure? 2.1 Two kinds of numbers 2.2 Descriptor form rather than standard form 2.3 Dimensional analysis 3 Mathematics on Mixed Polynomial Matrices 3.1 Formal definitions 3.2 Resolution of the index problem 3.3 Block-triangular decomposition II. Matrix, Graph and Matroid 4 Matrix 4.1 Polynomial and algebraic independence 4.2 Determinant 4.3 Rank, term-rank and generic-rank 4.4 Block-triangular forms 5 Graph 5.1 Directed graph and bipartite graph 5.2 Jordan-Holder-type theorem for submodular functions 5.3 Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition 5.4 Maximum flow and Menger-type linking 5.5 Minimum cost flow and weighted matching 6 Matroid 6.1 From matrix to matroid 6.2 Basic concepts 6.3 Examples 6.4 Basis exchange properties 6.5 Independent matching problem 6.6 Union 6.7 Bimatroid (linking system) III. Physical Observations for Mixed Matrix Formulation 7 Mixed Matrix for Modeling Two Kinds of Numbers 7.1 Two kinds of numbers 7.2 Mixed matrix and mixed polynomial matrix 8 Algebraic Implications of Dimensional Consistency 8.1 Introductory comments 8.2 Dimensioned matrix 8.3 Total unimodularity of dimensioned matrices 9 Physical Matrix 9.1 Physical matrix 9.2 Physical matrices in a dynamical system IV. Theory and Application of Mixed Matrices 10 Mixed Matrix and Layered Mixed Matrix 11 Rank of Mixed Matrices 11.1 Rank identities for LM-matrices 11.2 Rank identities for mixed matrices 11.3 Reduction to independent matching problems 11.4 Algorithms for the rank 11.4.1 Algorithm for LM-matrices 11.4.2 Algorithm for mixed matrices 12 Structural Solvability of Systems of Equations 12.1 Formulation of structural solvability 12.2 Graphical conditions for structural solvability 12.3 Matroidal conditions for structural solvability 13. Co
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  • Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis - Algorithms and Combinatorics Vol.20(2000)