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오탈자 문의

A Thematic Guide to Optimality Theory 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 John J. McCarthy
발행년도 2008-01-12
판수 1st판
페이지 318
ISBN 9780521796446
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • A Thematic Guide to Optimality Theory


  • This book describes Optimality Theory from the top down, explaining and exploring the central premises of OT and the results of their praxis. Examples are drawn from phonology, morphology, and syntax, but the emphasis throughout is on the theory rather than the examples, on understanding what is special about OT and on equipping readers to apply it, extend it, and critique it in their own areas of interest. To enhance the book’s usefulness for researchers in allied disciplines, the topdown view of OT extends to work on first- and second-language acquisition, phonetics and functional phonology, computational linguistics, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Furthermore, to situate OT for those coming from other traditions, this book also contains much discussion of OT’s intellectual origins, its predecessors, and its contemporary competitors. Each chapter concludes with extensive suggestions for further reading, classified by topics, and supplemented by a massive bibliography (over 800 items). The book ends with a list of frequently asked questions about Optimality Theory, with brief answers and pointers to a fuller treatment in the text.
  • Contents Introduction an overview of optimality theory Part I. Core: 1. Basic architecture 2. Constraint typology 3. Modes of interaction 4. Illustration Part II. Context: 5. Classic generative phonology 6. Conspiracies 7. Representations and constraints on representations 8. Other constraint theories (TCRS, DP, etc.) Part III. Results: 9. Endogenous constraints 10. Consequences of markedness/faithfulness interaction 11. Consequences of constraint violability 12. Consequences of parallelism Part IV. Connections: 13. Learnability and acquisition 14. Parsing; Morphology and the lexicon 15. Syntax and semantics 16. Language variation and change Part V. Issues and prospects 17. Functionalism 18. Opacity 19. Serial OT 20. Local conjunction 21. ‘Overkill’ 22. Other topics.
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선택된 옵션

  • A Thematic Guide to Optimality Theory