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The Transition to Language 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Alison Wray
발행년도 2002-05-23
판수 1판
페이지 410
ISBN 9780199250660
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 36,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Transition to Language


  • 1. Introduction: The Evolving Field of Language Evolution, Alison WrayPart I: Making Ready for Language: Necessary, But Not Sufficient 

    2. Comparative Vocal Production and the Evolution of Speech: Reinterpreting the Descent of the Larynx, W. Tecumseh Fitch

    3. Sexual Display as a Syntactic Vehicle: The Evolution of Syntax in Birdsong and Human Language through Sexual Selection, Kazuo Okanoya

    4. Serial Expertise and the Evolution of Language, H. S. Terrace


    Part II: Internal Triggers to Transition: Genes, Processing, Culture, Gesture, and Technology 

    5. Protocadherin XY: A Candidate Gene for Cerebral Asymmetry and Language, T. J. Crow

    6. Dual Processing in Protolanguage: Performance Without Competence, Alison Wray

    7. Language and Revolutionary Consciousness, Chris Knight

    8. Did Language Evolve from Manual Gestures?, Michael C. Corballis

    9. The 'Finished Artefact Fallacy': Acheulean Handaxes and Language Origins, Iain Davidson


    Part III: External Triggers to Transition: Environment, Population, and Social Context 

    10. Foraging Versus Social Intelligence in the Evolution of Protolanguage, Derek Bickerton

    11. Methodological Issues in Simulating the Emergence of Language, Bradley Tonkes and Janet Wiles

    12. Crucial Factors in the Origins of Word-Meaning, L. Steels, F. Kaplan, A. McIntyre, and J. Van Looveren

    13. Constraints on Communities with Indigenous Sign Languages: Clues to the Dynamics of Language Origins, Sonia Ragir


    Part IV: The Onward Journey: Determining the Shape of Language 

    14. The Slow Growth of Language in Children, Robbins Burling

    15. The Roles of Expression and Representation in Language Evolution, James R. Hurford

    16. Linguistic Adaptation Without Linguistic Constraints: The Role of Sequential Learning in Language Evolution, Morten H. Christiansen and Michelle R. Ellefson

    17. Uniformitarian Assumptions and Language Evolution Research, Frederick J. Newmeyer

    18. On the Evolution of Grammatical

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  • The Transition to Language