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The Proceedings of the Fifteenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 15 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Agbayani Tang
발행년도 1997-02-28
판수 1판
페이지 544
ISBN 9781575860787
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 49,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Proceedings of the Fifteenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 15


  • This volume presents the proceedings of the Fifteenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics held at the University of California, Irvine. This volume is a comprehensive representation of the papers presented at the conference in the areas of syntax, semantics and phonology, including a special focus on Native American phonology and syntax. Topics range from underspecification and natural classes to child language, with languages covered ranging from Basque to Navajo. This volume will be of interest to a wide range of linguists covering numerous special interests and fields.

  • Part I. 

    Syntax: Conflicts Between Conditions: When are They Resolvable?Arnold Zwicky

    Agreement in Arabic and the PF interface Elabbas Benmamoun

    Mixed agreement in Serbian: a constraint-based approach Larisa Zlatic and Steve Wechsler

    Double object constructions and indirect object passives: Problems posed by history Mark Arnold

    How light is a light verb? Roumyana Slabakova

    If you have, you can give Heidi Harley

    The parallel structure of English questions and imperativs Eric Potsdam

    Sloppy identity and bound variable anaphora Hajime Hoji

    Syntactic and semantic conditions on the licensing of NPIs in questions Chung-hye Han and Laura Siegel

    A case for two types of focus in Basque Ricardo Echepare; Derivational CED Takashi Toyoshima


    Part II. 

    Semantics: Some Results of Treating Certain Measure Quantifiers as Mass Quantifiers Michael Hegarty

    Parametric variation in determiner systems: Salish vs. English Lisa Matthewson

    The transparent syntax and semantics of modifiers Edward Rubin

    The stage/individual contrast revisited Gerhard Jager; Presuppositional polarity items in counterfactuals Cleo Condoravdi

    A temporal interpretation for locative case Vivienne Fong


    Part III. 

    Phonology: Tone Sandhi in Comaltepec Chinantec Daniel Silverman

    Glide insertion asymmetries Edward Keer

    Lexical markedness and variation: A nonderivational account Haruo Kubozono

     Faithfulness and circumscription John McCarthy

    A note on Tagalog infixation Peter Avery and Greg Lamontagne 

    Output optimization and cyclic allomorph selection Andrew Dolbey

    Underspecification and natural classes: unifying the interpretation of structural descriptions Charles Reiss; 

    Overapplication in Sudanese plural infixation: the role of transderivational identity Laura Benua

    Laryngeal similarity effects in Quechua and Aymara Margaret MacEachern

    Coronals are not underspecified Heather Goad


    Part IV. Native American Languages (Phonology): Non-configurationality and the Syntax-Phonology Interface Kevin Russell and Charlotte Reinholt

    Loan phonology in Huave: Nativization and the ranking of faithfulness constraints Lisa Davidson and Rolf Noyer

    Degenerate feet and morphology in Tohono O'odham Colleen Fitzgerald


    Part V. Native American Languages (Syntax): Aspect, Negation and Temporal Polarity in Zapotec Felicia Lee

    Navajo Deictic Subject Pronouns and the Generation of Inflections Steven Lapointe

    Overt LF Movement in Zuni Syntax Lynn Nichols; Anaphora and focus in Navajo Eloise Jelinek


    Part VI. 

    Syntax and Language Acquisition: The Comparative Morpho-Syntax of Root Infinitives in Child Languages Tetsuya Sano

    Linear order and contradictory constituency Colin Phillips

    Predicate-initial constructions in Irish Cathal Doherty

    Position for subjects in European Portuguese Joao Costa.

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  • The Proceedings of the Fifteenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 15