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Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Alison Lurie
발행년도 2003-02-13
판수 1판
페이지 456
ISBN 9780192803832
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 21,480원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales


  • The stories of magic and transformation that we call fairy tales are one of the oldest known forms of literature, and also one of the most popular and enduring. While most people think of the fairy tale as having come into existence almost magically long ago, they are in fact still being created. And while they are principally directed to children and have child protagonists, these modern fairy tales, like the classics, have messages to those of all ages. In The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales, editor Alison Lurie collects such modern stories of the late nineteenth century up to the present. Here are trolls and princesses, magic and mayhem, morals to be told and lessons to be learned--all the elements of the classic fairy tale, in new and marvelous stories. Including the works of Charles Dickens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, George MacDonald, Mary De Morgan, H.G. Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson, Joan Aiken, Carl Sandburg, Angela Carter, James Thurber, Louise Erdrich, and many more, here is a treasury of tales that, though set in an unreal and irrelevant universe, have much to tell us about the real world in which we live.

  • Uncle David's Nonsensical Story about Giants and Fairies (1839)

    Feathertop (1846)

    The King of the Golden River (1850)

    The Story of Fairyfoot (1856)

    The Light Princess (1864)

    The Magic Fishbone (1868)

    A Toy Princess (1877)

    The New Mother (1882)

    Good Luck Is Better Than Gold (1882); The Apple of Contentment (1886)

    The Griffin and the Minor Canon (1887)

    The Selfish Giant (1888)

    The Rooted Lover (1894)

    The Song of the Morrow (1894)

    The Reluctant Dragon (1898)

    The Book of Beasts (1900)

    The Queen of Quok (1901)

    The Magic Shop (1903)

    The Kith of the Elf-Folk (1910)

    The Story of Blixie Bimber and the Power of Gold Buckskin Whincher (1922)

    The Lovely Myfanwy (1925)

    The Troll (1935)

    Gertrude's Child (1940)

    The Unicorn in the Garden (1940)

    Bluebeard's Daughter (1940)

    The Chaser (1941)

    The King of the Elves (1953)

    In the Family (1957)

    The Jewbird (1963)

    Menaseh's Dream (1968)

    The Glass Mountain (1970)

    Prince Amilec (1972)

    Petronella (1973)

    The Man Who Had Seen the Rope Trick (1976)

    The Courtship of Mr Lyon (1979)

    The Princess Who Stood On Her Own Two Feet (1982)

    The Wife's Story (1982)

    The River Maid (1982)

    The Porcelain Man (1987)

    Old Man Potchikoo

  • Alison Lurie is the Frederic J. Whiton Professor of American Literature at Cornell University, where she also teaches folklore and children's literature. She is the author of eight novels, including The War Between the Tates, Foreign Affairs, and The Truth About Lorin Jones. She has published a collection of essays on children's literature, Don't Tell the Grown-Ups, a book on the semiotics of dress, The Language of Clothes, and three collections of traditional folktales.

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  • Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales