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Matlab Primer(5th) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Kermit Sigmon
발행년도 1997-11-25
판수 5판
페이지 130
ISBN 9780849313059
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Matlab Primer(5th)


  • This fifth edition extends the MATLAB Primer, representing the significant features introduced in MATLAB 5 and reflecting a dramatic change in the text . This pocket book serves as an excellent resource for students and engineers requiring a high-level introduction and handy reference to MATLAB 5, helping readers to learn efficiently and independently without having to delve through manuals. MATLAB integrates computation, visualization, and programming in a flexible, open environment - offering engineers and scientists an intuitive language for expressing problems and their solutions mathematically and graphically. Complex numerical problems can be solved in a fraction of the time required with other programming languages, such as FORTRAN or C. Updated by numerous members involved with product development at The MathWorks, this exceptional revision provides the student and user with a quick, accessible, hands-on guide to the latest version of MATLAB.
  • Preface Introduction Accessing MATLAB Entering Matrices Complex Numbers Large Matrices Multidimensional Arrays Using Rand, Magic, Hilb Referencing Individual Elements Other Data Types Matrix Operations Matrix Division Entry-Wise Operations Statements, Expressions, Variables Suppressing Display of Results Case-Sensitivity Listing and ClearingVariables and M-Files Runaway Process, Machine Epsilon Saving a Session Hardcopy Matrix Building Functions Control Flow Statements Variable Controlled Loops (for) Relation Controlled Loops (while) Branching (if) Relations MATLAB Functions Scalar Functions Vector Functions Matrix Functions Command Line Editing and Recall Submatrices and Colon Notation Generating Vectors Accessing Submatrices M-Files Script Files Function Files Multiple Output Variable Comments, Documentation for Help Producing Efficient Code Advanced Features Calling Priorities, Subfunctions,Private Functions Strings, Error Messages, Input Error Messages Input Managing M-Files Executing System Commands Working with Directories andFiles MATLAB and Path Debugging Comparing Efficiency of Code Flops Elapsed Time (Tic, Toc) Profile Output Forms Graphics Planar Plots (plot) Multiple Figures Graph of a Function (fplot) Parametrically Defined Curves Titles, Labels, Text in a Graph Control of Axes and Scaling (axis) Multiple Plots Line Types, Marker Types, Colors Subplot, Specialized Plots Graphics Hardcopy (print) Three-Dimensional Curve Plots (plot3) Mesh and Surface Plots (mesh, surf) Color Shading and Color Profile Perspective of View (view, light, camera, rotate3d) Parametrically Defined Surfaces Advanced Graphics Handle Graphics Graphical User Interface (GUI) Sparse Matrix Computations Storage Modes (full, sparse) Generating SparseMatrices Computation with Sparse Matrices The Symbolic Math Toolbox Calculus (diff, int, limit, and taylor) Variable Precision Arithmetic (vpa) Simplification (factor, expand, simplify) Graphs of Functions (ezplot, funtool) Symbolic Matrix Operations Symbolic Linear Algebraic Functions Solving Algebraic Equations(solving) Solving Differential Equations(dsolve) Further Maple Access Subject Area Lists of Functions Help Topics - MATLAB Directories General Purpose Commands Operators and Special Characters Language Constructs and Debugging Elementary Matrices and Matrix Manipulation Elementary Math Functions Specialized Math Functions Matrix Functions - Numerical Linear Algebra Data Analysis and Fourier Transform Polynomial and Interpolation Functions Function Functions - Nonlinear Numerical Methods Sparse Matrix Functions Sound Processing Functions Graph2d - Two Dimensional Plotting Graph3d - Three Dimensional Plotting Specgraph - Specialized Graphs Handle Graphics Uitools - Graphical User Interface Tools CharacterString Functions Low-Level File I/O Functions Data Types and Structures The Symbolic Math Toolbox
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선택된 옵션

  • Matlab Primer(5th)