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견본신청 문의
단체구매 문의
오탈자 문의

The Mathematica Programmer Ⅱ(1996) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Maeder
발행년도 1996-09-26
판수 1판
페이지 296
ISBN 9780124649927
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 67,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Mathematica Programmer Ⅱ(1996)


  • This book is a second volume to follow The Mathematica Programmer (Academic Press, 1993) and is compatible with the latest release of Mathematica, version 3.0. The new volume includes coverage of various paradigms of programming, including logic programming, high-order functions, combinatorial algebras, and Turing machines. Also covered is scientific visualization, including animated algorithms, function iteration, uniform polyhedra, stellated icosahedra, ray tracing, and single-image stereograms. The book includes many new programming techniques, and will be an indispensable reference for anyone interested in high-level programming. The volume also includes a CD-ROM compatible with both Macintosh and Windows which contains updated programs from the first and second volumes, as well as HTML documents with links to all relevant information.

    * Continues where The Mathematica Programmer left off
    * Completely compatible with the latest Mathematica release, Version 3.0
    * Includes coverage of various paradigms of programming, including logic programming, higher-order functions, combinatory algebras, and turing machines
    * Coverage of visualization including Animated Algorithms, Function Iteration, Uniform Polyhedra, Stellated Icosahedra, Ray Tracing, and Single-Image Stereograms
    * Includes dual mode CD-ROM with updated programs from the first volume and notebooks, as well as HTML documents with external links to all relevant information
    * Includes a 16 page, four color insert

  • Preface.
    About This Book.
    Part 1: Paradigms of Programming.
    Logic Programming.
    Higher-Order Functions.
    Turing Machines.
    Part 2: Visualization.
    Animated Algorithms.
    Function Iteration and Chaos.
    Fractional Brownian Motion.
    Uniform Polyhedra.
    The Stellated Icosahedra.
    Ray Tracing.
    Single-Image Stereograms.
    Appendixes. References.
    Index of Programs.
    About This Book: Overview.
    About the Programs.
    Notation and Terminology.
    The Mathematica Programmer CD-ROM.
    The Mathematica Programmer WWW Archive.
    Part 1: Paradigms of Programming: Introduction: Mathematica's Programming Language.
    Pattern Matching and Term Rewriting.
    Programming Styles.
    Program Organization.
    Logic Programming: The Ingredients of Logic Programs
    A PROLOG Interpreter for Mathematica. Lists in PROLOG.
    Backtracking. Deduction.
    Higher-Order Functions: Introduction.
    The Functional Features of Mathematica.
    Functions as Data.
    Fixed Points of Higher-Order Functions.
    Combinators: Introduction.
    Combinatory Algebras.
    Combinatory Abstraction.
    Converting Functions to Combinators.
    Turing Machines: Introduction.
    A Turing Machine Simulator.
    Assembly Programming.
    Recursive Functions.
    The Complete Code of TuringMacros.m.
    Part 2: Visualization: Animated Algorithms: Three Standard Sorting Algorithms.
    Asymptotic Behavior.
    Function Iteration and Chaos: Function Iteration.
    The Final-State Diagram.
    The Ingredients of Chaos.
    Super-Attractive Orbits.
    Fractional Brownian Motion: Introduction.
    Random Additions.
    Fourier Synthesis.
    Random Faults.
    Analysis of fBm Data.
    Uniform Polyhedra: Introduction
    Uniform Construction.
    Data Structures.
    Auxiliary Programs.
    The Stellated Icosahedra: Introduction. Rendering.
    The Complete Code of Icosahedra.m.
    Ray Tracing: A Data Type for Surfaces.
    Photorealistic Rendering. Converting Mathematica Graphics.
    Sample Images. Stereo Pairs.
    The Complete Code of POVray.m.
    Single-Image Stereograms: Introduction.
    The Classis SIRDS in Mathematica.
    Designing Good Images.
    Exact Stereograms.
    Interface to External SIS Generators.
    The Complete Code of SIS.m.
    Index of Programs.

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선택된 옵션

  • The Mathematica Programmer Ⅱ(1996)